Home » “Abuse of antibiotics”, the alarm goes off among doctors: what’s going on

“Abuse of antibiotics”, the alarm goes off among doctors: what’s going on

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“Abuse of antibiotics”, the alarm goes off among doctors: what’s going on

The Italian Federation of Doctors has launched an alarm against the abuse of antibiotics, which puts the lives of millions of people at risk.

The members of the Italian Federation of General Practitioners are concerned about the use that Italians make of antibiotics. More and more people misuse the drug even with minor symptoms, for which there is no real need to take antibiotics. With the winter we have just passed and a spring that hasn’t helped at all to keep away intestinal viruses and colds, the use of antibiotics among Italians has skyrocketed. A figure that could not help but alarm the Federation.

For this the Fimmg office in Naples he proposed the systematic use of rapid tests for immediate diagnosis on patients. It might seem like an expensive system, but according to Fimmg it would be quite the opposite. The immediate identification of the bacterium responsible for seasonal illnesses, in fact, can help doctors to prescribe the right targeted treatment, so as to avoid the excessive use of antibiotic medicines which, in the long run, can actually represent a danger to our health. It’s not the first time that doctors from all over the world have touched on the topic, which has returned more powerful than ever after the Covid pandemic.

Italians abuse antibiotics: why doctors are sounding an alarm

According to data collected by the Italian medical federations, too many doctors in the country prescribe antibiotics for the treatment of respiratory tract infections, even at the first symptoms. A therapy that according to the secretary general of Fimmg Napoli Luigi Sparano, not only is it not very useful, but also potentially risky. “The abuse of antibiotics exposes us to a very high risk” he explained to Napolitoday.it. According to the expert, the use of oral antibiotics for the treatment of symptoms related to the respiratory tract is not very effective for one simple reason.

medical alert antibiotics
Antibiotic resistance is an increasingly widespread problem that takes its toll every day – Tantasalute

Often these are viral or bacterial infections, for which antibiotics are not very effective. On the contrary, by hiring them for trivial reasons we risk generating a resistance of our organism to antibiotics. A situation which, as you readers can well understand, becomes dangerous for our health: when we really need an antibiotic, it may not have its effect. According to another Fimmg doctor, Corrado Calamaro, antibiotic resistance has already begun to claim victims: there are about 100 people who die every day in Europe for this reason.

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The article “Abuse of antibiotics”, triggers the alarm among doctors: what is happening comes from Tanta Salute.

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