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Neck pain: 5 minutes and a towel are enough to solve the problem

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Neck pain: 5 minutes and a towel are enough to solve the problem

Neck pain is one of the most common and annoying that can often persist throughout the day without leaving us alone. For this we reveal the way to solve the problem in just 5 minutes.

Il cervical pain is a common ailment that can cause considerable discomfort and discomfort, manifesting itself as a high “neck pain”, which refers to an irritation or inflammation of the tissues in the cervical region of the spine, which can extend up to the top of the head. The most common causes of neck pain can be muscle tension, incorrect posture, traumatic injuries such as car accidents or falls, disco hernias, stress accumulated in daily life, etc.

Often, pain can manifest in various ways that vary from person to person, but can include localized or widespread pain in the back of the neck, muscle stiffness, difficulty turning or tilting the neck, and sometimes headache, feeling of tightness, dizziness, sharp or dull pain , etc. which can worsen with movement, including from maintaining a prolonged position or lifting heavy objects.

How to fight annoying neck pain

The annoying feeling of pain and discomfort associated with neck problems can negatively affect people’s quality of life, requiring a break from any activity to avoid worsening or even dizziness and fainting. It can cause difficulties in carrying out normal daily activities, interfere with sleep at night and limit the ability to move the neck. In some cases, chronic neck pain can lead to concentration problems and fatigue.

To solve the cervical problem in 5 minutes, use a towel and follow the steps (tantasalute.it)

Per relieve pains to the cervical, various measures can be taken. Physical therapy, including specific exercises for the neck, can help strengthen muscles and improve flexibility. Manual therapy, such as massage or manipulation, are solutions that can provide temporary relief, also adopting good posture during daily activities and avoiding sudden movements.

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Per relieve neck pain, it is also possible to follow these simple steps that in 5 minutes and thanks to the use of a towel, will make you go away those annoying pains it causes. To help you further, you could also warm up the towel a bit to loosen up the muscles.

1– Relieve stiffness: take a towel and wrap it around your head, and rotate the head accompanying it with the towel, pressing lightly, following the movement to the side with your gaze. This will be done both to the right and to the left, holding the position for 10 seconds on each side, 3 times. This will help relieve muscle stiffness by relaxing the area.

2- Strengthen muscles: put the latter behind your head holding the two ends with your hands, pulling the towel forward, with your head make a slight pressure backwards, without using too much force. Hold the position for 10 seconds, and repeat here too 3 times. This movement will allow you to do some sort of neck stretching, helping to soften even possible contractures.

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