Home » Asian Games World Championships double-line battle is imminent, Chinese gymnastics challenges and opportunities coexist——Summary of the 2023 Gymnastics Championships

Asian Games World Championships double-line battle is imminent, Chinese gymnastics challenges and opportunities coexist——Summary of the 2023 Gymnastics Championships

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Asian Games World Championships double-line battle is imminent, Chinese gymnastics challenges and opportunities coexist——Summary of the 2023 Gymnastics Championships
Asian Games World Championships double-line battle is imminent, Chinese gymnastics challenges and opportunities coexist——Summary of the 2023 Gymnastics Championships
2023-05-30 10:43:11.0 Source: Xinhuanet
Author: Zhang Wuyue Lu Yuchen

The 2023 National Gymnastics Championships will end in Jinan on the 28th. The veteran teams Jiangsu Team and Guangdong Team reached the top again in the men’s team and women’s team events respectively. The young Zhang Boheng and Qiu Qiyuan won the men’s and women’s individual all-around championships respectively. Zou Jingyuan, Xiao Ruoteng, Sun Wei, Ou Yushan, Wei Xiaoyuan and others The powerful veterans still stick to the field…

After a lot of hard work, the Chinese gymnastics team, which is eyeing the Paris Olympics, will usher in a two-line battle at the Asian Games and the World Championships. All gymnasts understand: this is the tough battle this year.

The rookie is bright, the veteran is strong

Fujian Xiaohua Qiu Qiyuan gave herself a special birthday gift: the women’s individual all-around gold medal. Last year in the National Championships, this little flower frequently lost her weapon due to the heavy pressure of the finals; this year, she has been able to bravely show the most confident smile on the final stage.

“It’s about letting go and expressing yourself. Although there were mistakes in the front, they are not important. In every game, my confidence increases little by little.” Qiu Qiyuan said. In the end, she ended her trip to the National Championships with three gold medals.

Similar to Qiu Qiyuan, in this National Gymnastics Championships, the performance of a group of young players such as Zhang Boheng and Shi Cong was gratifying, gradually showing their ability to “take the lead”. “In this competition, many teenagers showed a solid training level and a good competitive state, which is what the future of Chinese gymnastics needs.” Zhang Hongliang, the leader of the Chinese gymnastics team, said.

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At the same time, a group of veterans such as Zou Jingyuan, Xiao Ruoteng, Sun Wei, Ou Yushan, Wei Xiaoyuan also showed a stable output ability and perseverance. In the previous men’s individual all-around competition, Sun Wei withdrew due to injury. In the men’s pommel horse competition on the 27th, he played with injuries and swept away the haze to win the championship.

Zou Jingyuan also showed good form in the National Championships. Last year, he did not restore the pommel horse out of protective considerations; this year he has gradually started to restore the pommel horse, and he also tried a complete set of moves with a difficulty score of 6.5 points in the competition; he was also prepared for danger in times of peace on the strong parallel bars, constantly breaking through himself and challenging new difficulties complete set.

Asian Games, World Championships “collision period” Chinese gymnastics two-line battle

For the Chinese gymnastics team this summer, the task is extremely difficult. At the end of September, the Hangzhou Asian Games and the Antwerp World Championships will be held successively. The former means home games, while the latter is related to Olympic qualifications. Therefore, the Chinese gymnastics team had to face the situation of “fighting on two fronts” and “dividing troops into two groups”.

Zhang Hongliang said that at present, it is planned to issue a large training list for the two competitions, combine the performance of the National Championships and the results of the two team tests in August, and comprehensively consider factors such as group configuration, and then make a detailed division plan.

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“The men’s team qualified for the Olympics in the World Championships last year, so this year’s World Championships is mainly about training newcomers; the women’s team still needs to qualify for the Olympics this year, and strive for better results on this basis.” Zhang Hongliang said.

He said that the training and preparations for the next few months will be extremely important. On the one hand, young athletes need to gain experience by participating in international competitions, and at the same time, veteran players must strive to gradually adjust to the peak state; Strive to meet the upcoming major international competitions in the best condition.

Talent is the foundation, time is the medicine

People in the field generally believe that this championship is a good opportunity for all parties to “feel the pulse” of the current situation of Chinese gymnastics, discover problems, explore the crux of the problem, and then solve the problem.

“After observing the performance of the athletes in this National Gymnastics Championship, the coaches are more confident. Next, we will make a serious summary of this competition, and strive to continue to improve and improve in future training, benchmarking against the world The main opponent of the competition has formed a good atmosphere for comparing and learning to catch up.” Zhang Hongliang said.

In comparison, the talent thickness of the Chinese women’s gymnastics team still has room for improvement. It is currently in a critical stage of changing from old to new, and its overall strength is still far behind other strong teams in the world. In the uneven bars and balance beam, which is the traditional advantage of the Chinese team, the difficulty of some foreign individual athletes in recent years is also very eye-catching; due to various reasons, Xiaohua has not yet achieved a qualitative breakthrough in the vault and floor exercises.

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These challenges require joint efforts from all walks of life to solve, and it will also take time. In the next two or three months, international competitions such as the Gymnastics Asian Youth Championship and the Asian Championships will be held one after another. The Chinese gymnastics team plans to send a new generation of athletes to focus on “experience” to enhance the familiarity of the competition, hoping to use the competition as nourishment to promote the young players to mature and grow as soon as possible.

“After all, the ultimate goal of all our efforts now is the Paris Olympics next year.” Zhang Hongliang said.

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