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Do not worry about me ! – The blog of Cameroonaiseries

by admin
Do not worry about me !  – The blog of Cameroonaiseries

I have already noticed that since I am not boastful, as I am not an exhibitionist and as I do not divulge my private life through social networks, there are sometimes people who are concerned about it and who want to know if I might need something incidentally.
And this is an opportunity for me to ask them not to worry about me…

Don’t worry about my health

I am in relatively good condition. Apart from a few aches from time to time due to my early senility, but otherwise I’m doing relatively well overall.
I was lucky to be born very healthy and to be able to grow up to this age. I am still able to move around and pretty much manage on my own. And even if sometimes I get headaches and also a few sore throats, for the moment it’s still relatively harmless. And I don’t think it’s already worth it for you to start worrying about so little…

Don’t worry about my future

My future has never been mapped out, because I build it as I go. And even if I’m still quite ambitious despite my characteristic humility, let’s say that I worry about it too little. Because I still achieved some great things during my little life, even if I also missed many others. I have nevertheless acquired the luxury of being able to allow myself to refuse the opportunities which do not correspond to me, and yet we are in a country which normally does not allow us to do so. […]
Do not worry about me ! I really know who I can count on. I know perfectly well how difficult life is. I know how to measure precisely all that I still have to do. I don’t need to impress you for you to know if I’m doing or if I’m not, but don’t worry, for the moment I’m not a person to be pitied! My future is strewn with goals that I have already started to achieve one before the other; so just because I’m not boastful and extravagant doesn’t mean you’re already going to start worrying about my future…

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Don’t worry about me after I die. Source: rtl.fr / Image used with permission

Don’t worry about my married life

My absence of married life, I should say. Because some sometimes complain about my celibacy, my non-procreated posterity (though I have children of whom I am not the parent), and also my lack of sentimental commitment. Some don’t even hesitate to tell me – in my face! – that I’m not yet a “responsible” man, and that it’s imperative that I immediately think about having biological offspring… Tsuip!
It’s wrong ! I am fully responsible for my loves. I know when to enjoy it, and I know when to stop suffering from it. I also know and I have especially learned that you should never take people’s daughters to enslave them in your home. I know that ! I know how to cuddle a woman when I’m in love with her, so don’t worry about that! I also know that there are many Cameroonians who love me madly; besides, I’m a little ashamed to admit that I never refused the idea of ​​marriage, but that I deliberately preferred to prolong my life as a bachelor a little longer…

Don’t worry after I die

After my death, I will already be gone! Don’t worry too much about my corpse. Do not try to find out if he will be well dressed, or if his coffin will be chryselephantine or solid wood. I do not care ! What will happen after my death doesn’t interest me since I won’t even be there to watch you do it…
What worries me now is what you think of me during my life. Am I a good guy? Am I a real Cameroonian? Am I a good company? Am I a mean, dishonest, vindictive, unliveable individual? Am I even a good blogger to begin with?
But if you come here after my death, during my wake or during my funeral, to tell me that I was a tremendous character when you didn’t think so at all, well, I will curse you with all my might! Because I never needed your sycophancy. I spent my whole life in withdrawal, and it is not the day of my death that you will come to make me believe that I was the most spooky Cameroonian in the whole world

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Please don’t worry about me anymore!

So I’ve already noticed that since I’m not a pedant, since I’m not an exhibitionist and since I don’t expose my personal affairs through social networks, sometimes there are strangers who care and want incidentally wish me a happy birthday.
And this is an opportunity for me to send them all my sincere thanks…

Do not worry about me ! I am unspeakably lucky to have an extraordinary family, unimaginable friends like my best friend Pierre La Paix Ndamèand I’m grateful that I’ve had enough of a long enough existence already.
Don’t worry about my mind or my soul! Because even though I am an atheist (I don’t believe in God), I have always done good without hoping that Someone would reward me one day in your Paradise.
Don’t worry about my job! Because even if I don’t have a salary, I still have the possibility of offering myself almost everything I want.

Especially since I stayed simple like my mother, I have remained modest like my ancestors and am generally identified by my sobriety. Because my father often said that “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity”. And I think I have assimilated it so well, since I consider myself quite modestly as one of the happiest Cameroonians in the world!
Even if paradoxically there will always be people who will worry about me…

Ecclesiastes DEUDJUII’m worried about you!
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