Home » Pd, Schlein crippled. Bad luck with Metsola, summit in Brussels cancelled

Pd, Schlein crippled. Bad luck with Metsola, summit in Brussels cancelled

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Pd, Schlein crippled.  Bad luck with Metsola, summit in Brussels cancelled

Pd, Elly Schlein in the crosshairs of his followers after the beating at the municipals. Photo Lapresse

Pd, Schlein and the first real internal clash. He will have to give explanations

Elly slime he understood that the honeymoon is over. There clear defeat suffered in yesterday’s municipal ballots, a resounding 6-1 in favor of the right, generated a climate of tension In the Democratic party with immediate consequences, missed the planned trip a Bruxelles. Early in the morning – reads La Repubblica – the secretary change plans. Call him to the European Parliament and let them know: I will connect remotely. With the internal currents already raising their heads, with the faithful Emilians who have ended up in the crosshairs, he cannot leave Italy. He will probably return to Romagna to keep the spotlight on the flood and on the role of commissioner for Bonaccini. Mission postponed. No Brussels.

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There are – continues Repubblica – the Roman squabbles to deal with, the reactions to a defeat in the local administration that went much worse than expected. So skip it visit with the whole group European Socialist Partyand face to face with the president of the EU Parliament, the popular Roberta Metsolascheduled for tomorrow. This is the first real sign of dispute coming from the dem, the secretary will now have to give more convincing explanations than what was declared yesterday “right wind still blowing“, but above all he will have to show the way and choose which battles to face for reverse course.

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