Home » Another company was pre-awarded to continue with the works in the School No. 95 of Roca

Another company was pre-awarded to continue with the works in the School No. 95 of Roca

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Another company was pre-awarded to continue with the works in the School No. 95 of Roca

After rescinding the contract with the company that halted the work at School No. 95, yesterday the Ministry of Education finally announced that progress was made with the pre-award to give continuity to the general repairs of the building.

After various protests by the educational community, finally in August 2022 the spare parts began, however, at the beginning of April 2023, the parents reactivated the claim for failure to meet the established deadline.

Fernanda Curuchet, coordinator of the School Council, at the time expressed to the RÍO NEGRO newspaper that After observing the “settlement of the work” they finally decided to terminate the contract with the company Tranaman Construcciones and forward a file for a new contract.

Finally, yesterday afternoon the Secretary for School Infrastructure, Adrián Carrizo, explained that after having received the offers for the completion of the spare parts work General «The pre-award commission made progress in the selection of the company KUMA, which meets the requirements requested for the completion of the work.“

From this moment on, the control bodies of the province must intervene to advance in the signing of the contract, for an amount of $ 70,362,813.26.

Finally, he stated that “the termination file is in the final stage to issue the administrative act that enables the takeover of the work by the educational portfolio.

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