Home » Museveni activates the anti-LGBTQIA+ law ~ dohouatt

Museveni activates the anti-LGBTQIA+ law ~ dohouatt

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Museveni activates the anti-LGBTQIA+ law ~ dohouatt
Ugandan President Yuweri Museveni speaking at the London Summit on Family Planning.
© UK Department for International Development, via Wikipedia Commons
In East Africa, specifically in Uganda, it is now forbidden to be gay. I was shocked. You too. I know. I see you frown. You are right. There is something. If you are from the LGBTQIA+ community, now is the time, more than ever, to get out of there.

After Gambia, Kenya, Senegal and other African countries, Uganda has just passed an anti-gay law. Museveni active in anti-LGBTQIA+ laws. Who does he get advice from? Unless you are going to follow massive retraining sessions, to become ramshackle straight people, take to their heels. I would have warned you.

Museveni active in anti-LGBTQIA+ laws

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel hosts a cordon of honor to welcome Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni to the Pentagon on September 27, 2013.
© Glenn Fawcett, via Wikipedia Commons

Many of us were waiting for the Ugandan president’s decision. She fell. And as usual, she had the effect of a terrible shock. It was as if we were never prepared to take this kind of shock, which, like blows from clubs, throws you off balance. Now, in Uganda, this small country in East Africa, homosexuality is a crime. This Monday, May 29, 2023, on its Twitter account, the Ugandan presidency announced: “ the president approved the anti-homosexuality bill 2023“. Thereby, Yoweri Museveni activates the anti-LGBTQIA+ law. A setback in the protection of minorities. Faced with this “anti-homosexuality” law, Ugandan homosexuals are torn between concern for the future and incomprehensible indignation.

Adopted a few weeks ago by the Ugandan National Assembly, the law against homosexuals entitled: ” anti-homosexuality law 2023 has now come into force. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni made it enforceable. Indeed, this law provides for heavy for homosexuals in his country. However, the text, while it was only a draft, had been amended by the parliamentarians who specified that there was nothing wrong with being a homosexual. Therefore, homosexuality should not be classified as a crime. Crime against whom? Against yourself? A little serious, let’s see!

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What does this anti-LGBT+ law mean?

Flag made up of many different symbols found within the LGBTIQ+ community.
© TransIphis, via Wikipedia Commons

Clearly, this means that there is a decline in the rights of minorities. But, let’s go deeper. This means that homosexuals – who will want to mate even in the privacy of a dark room – will have to be careful. And, woe to the jaded hetero, like me, who writes an article like this one. He will be accused of promoting homosexuality. Moreover, he would be guilty of ignominy. For what ? Because he was found fondling homosexuals in the direction of the hair. In view of this, he will be bludgeoned with one of the dumbest and most blunt laws in the world. Sanction: life imprisonment.

Faced with denial, human rights organizations in dire straits

Until the last moment, we had believed that a miracle would happen. That Museveni, stuffed with his presidential prerogatives, would regain a moment of lucidity and come to his senses. On the contrary, despite the controversy of the international community, it seems determined to go through with this iniquitous law. That is to say, penalize people who love each other and what’s more do no harm to anyone. This law revives the fears of many people because it is a decline in democracy and freedoms that is happening before our helpless eyes. Human rights organizations only condemn with the utmost energy. But in practice, they were powerless.

NGOs and Western governments are rising up

On Twitter, the announcement is significant: “The President has approved the 2023 anti-homosexuality bill. It now becomes the 2023 anti-homosexuality law”. Faced with sanctions, which, let’s say, stupid, the international community, the European Union, the United States and several NGOs have denounced this anti-LGBT+ law. The wave of indignation triggered by this announcement brought the head of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Volker Türk, out of his reserve. Indeed, this man who hardly ever speaks rebels. Volker Türk said to himself ” appalled » to see this bill come into force. draconian and discriminatory », « contrary to the Constitution and international treaties “, which opens the way to “ systematic violations of the rights of LGBT people ».

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What does this famous text say: this anti-LGBT+ law?

In the text promulgated by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, it is said that anyone – individual or organization – ” knowingly promotes homosexuality faces up to 20 years in prison. If it is an organization, it risks a ten-year ban. Indeed, one could ask: why Museveni activates the anti-LGBT+ law? What’s on his mind? One thing is clear: this law will reverse all the progress this country has made in the fight against HIV, which is still an important public health issue in this country. In this country of another century which describes homosexuality as “deviance”, European sanctions must be firm. This could deter other countries.

“In truth, gays are as they are, because we are what we are. It cannot be discussed. »

African countries will not say anything

It is unfortunate that this law is well received by a large constant of the African population. Indeed, change is scary. And, that is understandable. But, other African countries can “ lecture their counterpart and impose a moratorium on it. Indeed, it is necessary to explore new horizons, to give oneself all the possible chances. We know it: do not rely on the leaders of African countries; obviously they won’t say anything. Alas! When we enter the perspective of ” who is silent consents“, we get an idea of ​​their secret opinion. But that is not the most important. We must evolve the first Africans on the very common view they have of homosexuality and homosexuals. In truth, gays are as they are, because we are what we are. It cannot be discussed. Also, let everyone live, flourish.

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