Home » Pressure at work: “I can’t do it”? This is how you deal with the boss’s additional tasks

Pressure at work: “I can’t do it”? This is how you deal with the boss’s additional tasks

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Pressure at work: “I can’t do it”?  This is how you deal with the boss’s additional tasks

SStressful everyday work and full to-do lists: Communications trainer Peter Rach thinks it is understandable that employees’ stress level increases when the boss keeps coming at them with new ideas. “For a lot of people, that puts pressure on them. According to the motto: ‘If the boss wants it, then I have to do it now,'” explains Rach. The mere expression of the idea can be enough for this – without any specific work assignment.

Rach advises first of all to understand such presented ideas for what they are.

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