Home » PL Livorno-Mestre, match 4: The umpteenth challenge, the decisive one

PL Livorno-Mestre, match 4: The umpteenth challenge, the decisive one

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PL Livorno-Mestre, match 4: The umpteenth challenge, the decisive one

One more challenge, one more chance for Livorno to take Mestre to game 5, one more chance for Mestre to close the game and move on to the next round. This game represents what is commonly called an “in or out” and therefore the wait is of the spasmodic kind: if you are passionate about basketball it becomes almost an obligation, almost a duty, to paraphrase the great Guccini, to be at the arena. And in fact we cannot be said at all disappointed, if the sale of tickets was concentrated in just two days and went swimmingly and before the race, the box offices outside the arena had to display the “sold out” sign, confirming once again of Livorno’s passion for the ball in wedges.

After Saturday’s race, the ultras arrive from Mestre once again with the “Curva Nord” banner in tow. Compared to two days before, the numbers are smaller and could not otherwise be seen on the working day. However, those who have endured two away games in just three days are to be applauded, a sign also in this case of an irrational faith and a desire to follow the team that overcomes the obvious organizational obstacles. Difficult for the guests to be heard in a building for large stretches of revs, despite this and despite the number, those present support the team and do not give up even a note of color, with a few flags and a couple of two poles that do everything their duty.

Nice overview of the arena, public as always lively and very involved in the game action. The curve rules the dance while the novelty is represented by a signed banner on the edge of the parquet South Curve who wants to remember the tragedy of the moby princea real disaster that happened in Livorno which for too many years has been cloaked in that classic blanket of smoke of which the history of our republic abounds.

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Entry into the field of the hosts and plays of light organized by the club, not a bad idea even if in my opinion there is an excessive spectacularization of the event. Outside the arena, the Curve organizes a second play of lights, in this case much more practical with torches and smoke bombs which, however, do not find the right stage, as they are dispersed in the air without being seen by the mass of those present. In fact, torches and smoke bombs inside a building ensure a discreet visual spectacle but the difficulty in dispersing the smoke is clear.

The curve-covering flag for the landlords is inevitable, as always nothing to complain about on an aesthetic level even if personally I would avoid the continuous re-proposition of the same which risks becoming obvious, repetitive and losing its potential. As I understand by now, cheering in basketball largely follows the progress of the match, a three-man bomb or a dunk can make the whole arena rejoice, vice versa a partial negative brings almost all the fans to their knees. In any case, this evening the Curva Sud shows off a full-hearted performance, the cheering is warm and continuous, there are very few breaks and in some stretches beyond the curve, it is also the other sectors that want to have their say, creating a very warm environment.

On the parquet the match is exciting, the two teams battle it out and there isn’t a moment of silence in the stands. The hosts can flex their muscles given the numbers at their disposal and thanks to a good organization, they manage to support the team almost flawlessly.

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In the final minutes, Mestre’s extension takes shape and manages to take the lead and accelerate over its rivals, however the building does not fail to support the team until the final siren, making a scarf that involves practically everyone present. Excellent proof of warmth and color from the Livorno fans. At the end of the game, the invasion of the field is still a must with the fans who literally go to embrace the players. Some very sorry expressions but it is perceived that the public appreciated the performance of the team, despite the negative result.

On the other side smiles abound, the players go to embrace the fans who have come from Mestre, some daring ones even climb onto the bleachers to get the party started and in effect fans, ultras and players unite in an embrace which is more practical than symbolic.

The arena struggles to empty itself, Pielle’s players return to the changing rooms amidst the greetings and affection of the fans and even the away team gets a dose of applause when it’s time to return to the changing rooms. Applause, to tell the truth, that the players from Mestre return to the Livorno crowd despite some excesses that are almost taken for granted during the match, but a mutual respect was perceived both in the stands and on the parquet which then materialized after the match.

Valerio Poli

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