Home » Barlocco, Motorola: 5G is not a push for smartphones, with the Razr 40 ultra we focus on design and functionality

Barlocco, Motorola: 5G is not a push for smartphones, with the Razr 40 ultra we focus on design and functionality

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Barlocco, Motorola: 5G is not a push for smartphones, with the Razr 40 ultra we focus on design and functionality

Two leaflets, to face the market with two different strategies: “The Razr 40 ultra is the best, in terms of user experience and design, the Razr 40 aims to erase the price gap between a foldable and a traditional smartphone”. So says Carlo Barlocco, Executive Director Motorola Europe Expansion, of the double launch. What he doesn’t say is that the external display of the new foldable top measures 3.6 inches, slightly more than the screen of the first iPhone. “You can use all the phone applications without opening it, you can write on the keyboard, play games, consult the navigator”. The two main cameras are drowned in the screen and take away some space, but on the other hand the aesthetics are saved.

Speaking of design, both models mark a radical departure from previous Razrs with folding displays. Those looked to the past, these to the future: what has changed?
“For years we have focused on performance, on a highly performing Android system, on high quality batteries and processors, now we have pushed on design, also renewing the responsible team. Our commitment is already bringing good results, as we see an increase in sales not only of low-end smartphones, but also of medium and high-end smartphones, such as the Edge 40, which has allowed us to grow significantly in Europe. While the others record negative figures, this year we are perhaps the only producer with a positive balance, even if our total market share remains lower than our competitors”.

How come? Does the boost on business products have anything to do with it?
“The synergy with the Lenovo group has allowed us to offer companies complete, flexible and secure hardware and software packages. The Motorola brand needs no introduction, and according to GFK data we are growing with significant shares under 200 euros. However, we aim for the mid-range and then the premium range, above 600 euros. It is an ambition that everyone has, but it must be built over time, because consumers must be able to try mid-range products first, to feel sure they can invest significant sums”.


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According to GFK, it seems that the Italian market is a little different from the others: in the face of a global decline in the smartphone sector, the sector grew by 3.7% in 2002. It is still so?
“The difference with Europe and with the rest of the world no longer exists, in the first months of the year the market in Italy too resumed its decline, which was limited only by the fact that it was mainly the economic models that were declining, that offer fewer margins, while holding better the high-end ones”.

Has 5G not helped?
“Numberably, 5G smartphones are growing, even on low-end devices. However, if there is a 4G version of the same model, consumers choose that one, with savings of a few tens of euros. Because today smartphones are increasingly commonly used goods: when choosing, only 10-15% of buyers evaluate features such as the processor, the Ram, and precisely the compatibility with 5G. Also, in some cases, carriers are not actively pushing for 5G adoption due to issues moving customers from one network to another.

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What drives the purchase then?
“I think most customers choose a product primarily for its design, quality materials and available colours. Battery life and photographic performance are key, as is the relationship between price and performance, which plays a significant role, although not as significant as it might seem. The pandemic has led to a rethinking of spending priorities, and in fact purchases related to quality of life are growing, such as travel, food, health and well-being. A few years ago maybe 300 euros were invested to change a television, today it is spent on a pizza and a weekend away. Furthermore, with the lockdowns, the market has experienced forced growth due to the need for technological supplies, which however is largely satisfied at the moment. And it could also be the fault of the manufacturers, who no longer offer such innovations as to push consumers to change smartphones more frequently: now we are well over two years old”.

Those who spend on technology are now also looking for products that guarantee a certain duration over time.
“For this reason, in addition to the scrapping program, we have a promo that offers one year of protection for the Razr 40 ultra: in case of damage or breakage of the external or external display, it will be repaired free of charge. We want to prove that a foldable smartphone is no less robust than a traditional one.

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