Home » Three Israeli soldiers wounded on the border with Egypt, the assailant killed: he is an Egyptian policeman

Three Israeli soldiers wounded on the border with Egypt, the assailant killed: he is an Egyptian policeman

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Three Israeli soldiers wounded on the border with Egypt, the assailant killed: he is an Egyptian policeman

Three Israeli soldiers were killed by an assailant in a shootout on Israeli territory along the border with Egypt. The military spokesman said, adding that “the assailant is an Egyptian policeman”. “An investigation is being conducted – he explained – in full collaboration with the Egyptian army.” Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu – according to various sources – is following developments in the affair, which is still ongoing.

The military spokesman then provided an initial explanation of the facts. “In the early hours of the morning – he explained -, two army soldiers, a man and a woman, were killed by an assailant who opened fire on them while they were securing a military post on the Egyptian border”. “Soon after,” he added, “other soldiers arrived in the area and conducted searches. At noon (local time), during a search, the soldiers identified the assailant on Israeli territory and an exchange of fire developed between the assailant and the soldiers. The soldiers shot and killed the suspect.”

“During the firefight, a soldier – he continued – was killed and a non-commissioned officer was slightly wounded. The assailant is an Egyptian policeman. An investigation is being conducted in full cooperation with the Egyptian military. The soldiers – he concluded – continue to search the area to rule out the presence of other assailants ».

The border between Israel and Egypt is largely peaceful, however, there are frequent attempts to smuggle drugs over Israel’s high fence. There have been several incidents of shootings between smugglers and Israeli soldiers in recent years. The Egyptian army also frequently shoots drug traffickers, as well as jihadist groups in the northern Sinai desert.

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