Home » Mayara participates in the work of a parliamentary organization in Rome

Mayara participates in the work of a parliamentary organization in Rome

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Mayara participates in the work of a parliamentary organization in Rome
Image: W.M.A

Hespress – W.L.LSunday 4 June 2023 – 12:09

The President of the House of Councilors, Al-Naam Mayara, in his capacity as President of the Parliament of the Mediterranean, will participate in the work of the 49th session of the office of this regional parliamentary organization, to be held from 4 to 8 June in the Italian capital, Rome.

A statement to the Council of Advisors stated that this participation will constitute an occasion during which the Speaker of the Council of Advisors will hold talks with government officials and parliamentarians in the Republic of Italy and the Republic of San Marino, within the framework of his presidency of the Mediterranean Parliament, which aims to enhance cooperation, coordinate positions and unify visions on common issues.

In this regard, the same source stated that Al-Naam Mayara was elected, unanimously, as the new President of the Mediterranean Parliament for the period 2023-2024, at the end of the work of the seventeenth plenary session of this international parliamentary body, which was hosted by the Moroccan Parliament on the 1st and 2nd of last March.

The Parliament of the Mediterranean was established in 2005 by the national parliaments of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region, and it is considered the legal successor to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region, which was launched in the early nineties.

The main objective that this parliamentary organization seeks to achieve is to weave political, economic and social cooperation among member states in order to find common solutions to the challenges facing the Euro-Mediterranean region and the Gulf states, and to create a space for peace and prosperity for their peoples.

Parliament undertakes all its work within the framework of three permanent committees, and it can also establish working groups, ad hoc committees, or special task forces to address a specific topic (such as combating terrorism, building confidence, supporting peace, resolving conflicts, the peace process in the Middle East, mass migration, free trade and investments). , and economic integration, climate change, energy, human rights, dialogue of civilizations, issues of gender equality, and others).

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