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Mozzarella, do you make this mistake too? Beware of…

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Mozzarella, do you make this mistake too?  Beware of…

Mozzarella is one of the most appreciated foods in our country, but many still make trivial mistakes: never do these things!

Italy is one of the countries that holds the largest number of PDO foods and among these there is obviously also the mozzarellaone of the most loved and consumed foods in the peninsula.
A food sold and served throughout Italy, but which has its greatest exponents in Campania with the famous and protected buffalo mozzarellaa tasty and valuable food.

Mozzarella is mainly consumed raw, but the Italian cuisine is full of different recipes based on this dairy product: both as an appetizer, seasoned with cured meats or other products, but also cooked. Obviously not all mozzarella is created equal and not all of them are compatible for the same recipe: some types are to be eaten raw or seasoned raw, while others can be cooked in the oven or in other ways. It is important to know how to recognize them and, above all, to know them treat well without making these trivial mistakes.

This is not good for cooking at all: make no mistake

As we said in Italy there are many recipes in which insert the mozzarella and then cook it in the oven or on the stove, but it is good to know which type of mozzarella is to be used in these cases. For example, there are many recipes for baked timbales, lasagna, cannelloni and much more in which mozzarella is added to give that “stringy” touch to the dish.

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Stringy mozzarella, use the right one (TantaSalute.it)

In these cases it is very important to use the right mozzarella to not spoil the dish. If you have to cook it, you have to use cow’s milk, never use the buffalo one.
Vaccine mozzarella is drier and gives a more stringy texture when cooked. Indeed, if we really want to be honest, the the best choice would be fior di latteeven drier. Also watch out not to burn it! This makes it lose all its organoleptic properties and it is not tasty to eat at all.

The dishes cooked with the addition of this dairy product are few compared to the recipes that instead use it raw mozzarellaperhaps seasoned or accompanied by other products.
The first rule lies in the temperature: it should never be served cold, so if you buy it, never put it in the refrigerator. Instead, it should be kept in a bowl a room temperaturewithin its own water.

It can also be seasoned so as not to serve it totally raw, but be careful not to overdo it because mozzarella has a delicate flavor and if we go overboard with the toppings such as salt, oil or vinegar it spoils all the taste. We can serve it on the plate, perhaps accompanied with a salami if we are making an appetizer, or with tomatoes and rocket to create a more complete meal.

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