Home » Mass brawl in Sarajevo | Info

Mass brawl in Sarajevo | Info

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Mass brawl in Sarajevo |  Info

In the afternoon in the center of Sarajevo, there was a massive fight.

Source: Mondo/Haris Krhalić

“Today around 6:20 p.m., a mass fight was reported to the Operations Center in Kulovića Street and near the Youth Theater. Patrols from the PU Center, PU Stari Grad and the Support Unit were dispatched to the field. Several people were detained. We currently do not have information about the injured persons,” she said. is for BHRT Mersiha Novalić, spokesperson for the Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Sarajevo Canton.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Sarajevo Canton said that measures will be taken against five people on the grounds of disturbing public order and peace.

According to still unofficial and unconfirmed information, about 30 young men participated in the incident.

As the portal “Avaza” previously announced, the young men allegedly arranged a fight, and the police prevented greater chaos with a timely reaction.


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