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A collision with a jellyfish: do you know what to do?

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A collision with a jellyfish: do you know what to do?

While swimming in the sea, you have the misadventure of colliding with a jellyfish that hits you in the face. What are you doing? Answer 1: you get out of the sea and rinse yourself immediately with fresh, fresh water; answer 2: stay in the sea and rub your face with salt water. If you have chosen answer one, you are in good company, since 45.7% of the sample of the Human Highway research for Assosalute made the same choice. Wrong, actually. Because the right answer is number 2. “The jellyfish leaves part of the tentacles on the skin which contain a very stinging substance for the skin – he explains Antonino Di Pietro, president of Isplad and adjunct professor of Dermatology at the University of Pavia – if we use fresh water by osmosis, the vesicles break and the substance comes out, irritating. If instead we try to detach them in sea water with something rigid, such as a supermarket card for example, the vesicles do not break and can be easily removed”.

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The skin suffers a lot of aggressions in the summer. In the sea, jellyfish or even weeverfish (the toxin is thermolabile, so heat is needed). Around meadows and parks insects of all kinds and processionaries in the pine forests. And then, just leave the house and here is the sun. Sun which on the one hand is a source of well-being, let’s not forget that it helps us synthesize vitamin D, on the other, however, it can cause burns, rashes and rashes, spots and aging of the skin in general, even tumors, melanoma and others melanoma. But if you don’t protect yourself adequately. With suitable clothing, hats and sunglasses and sunscreen at the sea and in the mountains.

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Never last year’s sunscreens

And here, beware of the false sense of security that sunscreens can give: it’s not enough to put them on in the morning when you get to the beach, you have to reapply them frequently and choose the ones that best suit your phototype and the duration of exposure. In any case, at the beginning of the season you start with a protection of 50 and it is preferable not to go below 30, as you get a tan anyway. Do not use last year’s ones, and always check the Pao code (Period after opening, indicates the period in which the product is intact after opening).

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“To understand the function of the creams, I draw the parallelism with the asbestos overalls that are used to enter a building on fire – continues Di Pietro – you are protected, of course, but not for long. The same with the creams, they don’t last for the whole day. tumours”.

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Gradual exposure, starting with about twenty minutes away from peak hours, protective creams in the formulations you prefer, repeated applications even if you don’t take a bath (because you still sweat) and at the end of the day, after a shower with “a delicate and that it does not foam”, hydration with a good light after-sun. “If, on the other hand, you are burned, you can use an oxide cream, such as zinc”, specifies the dermatologist.

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Sun and drugs

If there are few doubts about the importance of sun protection, and converging responses in the Human Highway-Assosalute survey, there is however 24% of the sample who think they can sunbathe even if they take drugs, while some are clearly advised against and they can also cause spots on the skin. Furthermore, the sun in summer is an important test for the skin, which should always be well hydrated in order to be more elastic and respond better to external insults. “When the skin is neglected – specifies Di Pietro – and not thoroughly cleansed, the cells lose their bonds and disconnect, creating micro-cracks from which water is lost, causing skin dryness and a dull complexion. This process is accentuated in the summer, and when you use detergents that are not suitable for your skin, which should instead be recommended by a dermatologist”. A tip for the skin of the face: a good way to stimulate its microcirculation and prevent aging is to apply small pressure on the skin to promote the circulation of blood and oxygen. “A sort of face yoga – concludes Di Pietro – which strengthens the facial muscles and promotes cellular metabolism”. (it)

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