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Dehydration, these 5 drinks could increase it: better to avoid them

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Dehydration, these 5 drinks could increase it: better to avoid them

Paying attention to the hydration of your body is an indispensable factor. Some drinks may increase dehydration

The importance of keep the body hydrated is often underestimated, but hydration it is essential for the proper functioning of our body and plays numerous vital roles in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Water performs many crucial functions in our body. Helps regulate body temperature, promotes proper digestion and absorption of nutrients, lubricates joints, softens and protects body tissues, facilitates the elimination of waste products through urine and sweat, and contributes to proper brain function and of the nervous system.

When the body does not get an adequate amount of water, dehydration can occur. Dehydration can have negative effects on your health and well-being in the short and long term, and sadly they exist drinks toowhich despite being liquid and giving the sensation of having quenched our thirst, act on the body in the opposite way, increasing the status of dehydration.

Which sodas cause dehydration?

The dehydration it is an annoying and unpleasant feeling that can greatly affect our well-being physical and mental. When our body does not receive enough water to maintain a proper water balance, various unpleasant symptoms can occur that compromise our health and comfort. Water is essential for the health and general well-being of our bodyand is involved in numerous vital activities such as digestion, nutrient absorption, regulation of body temperature and proper functioning of organs.

Drinks that cause dehydration (tantasalute.it)

To prevent dehydration, maintaining an adequate fluid intake is essential. The amount of water needed can vary based on body weight, age, physical activity and other individual conditions. It is advisable to drink regularly during the day, even when you do not feel thirsty, but in this regard, we need to be careful about which liquids we choose to ingest to hydrate us.

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There are drinks that often, even if they may seem like a way to introduce liquids into the body, turn out to be enemies of hydration, favoring the exact opposite. We see 5 drinks that risk increasing the state of dehydration of the body and which should be avoided:

Alcoholic beverages: beer, wine, cocktails

The alcohol contained in the alcoholic beverages stimulates urine production and increases the frequency of urination. As a result, the body may lose more water than it consumes, leading to a state of dehydration. Alcohol can also affect the function of the kidneys, which are responsible for filtering waste substances from the blood and regulating the body’s water balance, leading to increased fluid losses. Importantly, moderate alcohol consumption by itself doesn’t necessarily cause dehydration, but abuse or excessive consumption can certainly contribute to this problem.

Beverages with artificial sweeteners

The effect of drinks with artificial sweeteners on dehydration is a debated topic and not entirely conclusive. Not all sweeteners are artificial offensive to hydration levels, but many of them have a major impact on digestion. Added sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, xylitol, erythritol and mannitol are particularly known to produce a laxative effect, and in some cases can therefore lead to dehydration causing the expulsion of too liquid stools and causing diarrhea. This can happen mainly due to the alterations they cause to the intestinal bacteria.


Coffee contains caffeine and this makes this drink potentially dehydrating, especially if more than two cups of coffee are taken at a time. Caffeine isn’t harmful to the body’s hydration well-being, unless taken in excessive amounts.

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coffee dehydration what to know
Dehydration and coffee: what to keep in mind (tantasalute.it)

But in any case, to try to avoid unpleasant inconveniences, not a case if a good coffee is often asked if you want water. In this regard, it is always good to have a glass of water nearby when drinking coffee to avoid the feeling of dehydration.

Herbal teas

You need to be careful when drinking herbal teas, despite the fact that they are cups with 90% water only, care must be taken to which sachet is placed inside it. To avoid episodes of dehydration, it is necessary to avoid exaggerating the use of herbal teas against constipation.

Protein drinks: smoothies of yogurt or juices

Many sodas may contain a high protein content, but that can lead to excessive dehydration. In fact, this macronutrient can break down into nitrogen during digestion, and require more water to be metabolized, drawing from our body’s reserves.

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