Home » From June 7th to 9th, the wheat harvesting area was sunny and fine, which was conducive to wheat harvesting and drying-Social News_China Business Network News

From June 7th to 9th, the wheat harvesting area was sunny and fine, which was conducive to wheat harvesting and drying-Social News_China Business Network News

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On June 7, according to the latest National Meteorological Service Bulletin on Summer Harvesting and Planting issued by the Central Meteorological Observatory, the weather in the wheat harvesting area from June 7 to 9 will be fine and sunny, which is conducive to rush harvesting and drying of wheat. It is recommended that wheat harvesting areas strengthen agricultural machinery scheduling to ensure that mature plots are fully harvested, appropriate and fast, and that the harvested wheat should be spread out and ventilated for storage; wheat areas in Xinjiang need to prevent the adverse effects of dry and hot winds.

According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as of June 5, 122 million mu of winter wheat has been harvested nationwide, and the harvest progress has exceeded 40%.

It is expected that from June 7th to 9th, most of the summer harvesting areas will have fine weather, which is conducive to harvesting mature winter wheat and speeding up the progress of summer harvesting; the waterlogging of low-lying wheat fields in Henan, Shaanxi and other places with high precipitation in the early stage will be reduced, which is conducive to wheat harvesting. Mechanized operations gradually create conditions. In the next three days, there will be strong convective weather such as thunderstorms, strong winds or hail in some areas of central, eastern and southern Hebei, northern Henan, southeastern Shanxi, western Shandong, and eastern Anhui. Full grain filling is unfavorable, and it will increase the difficulty of harvesting mature wheat.

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From June 7th to 14th, some areas in North China, Huanghuai, Xinjiang and other places will have high temperature weather above 35°C, and the local daily maximum temperature will be above 37°C. The wet wheat accumulated in the above areas has a high risk of heat and mildew. Xinjiang winter wheat is also at higher risk of suffering from dry and hot wind disasters.

The Meteorological Department recommends that wheat harvesting areas in Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Shandong and other places do a good job in dispatching agricultural machinery, seize the fine weather and rush to harvest, to ensure that mature land should be harvested as fast as possible, and the harvested wheat should be harvested scientifically. Drying and ventilated storage work; timely and manual harvesting of mature wheat lodging plots to reduce losses; scientific management of immature lodging wheat, not blindly straightening. In the summer sowing area, the seeds should be sown while taking advantage of the moisture, and should be sown as much as possible. Wheat areas with a high risk of dry and hot wind disasters in Xinjiang should do a good job in fertilizer and water planning and “one spray and three prevention” work, and timely irrigate according to the soil moisture in the wheat field to prevent drought and premature aging during the grain filling period.

Source: The Paper

Editor: Cao Jing

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