Home » Pascale’s whining: “This ultra-right plunges us into homophobia”

Pascale’s whining: “This ultra-right plunges us into homophobia”

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Pascale’s whining: “This ultra-right plunges us into homophobia”

Pascale and the appeal to Schlein: “Now let’s all team up around her”

Francesca Pascale he joins the chorus of Murgia, Saviano, Prodi and bluntly attacks the government Melons. The ex of Berlusconi however he does not choose the word “authoritarianism” to describe the majority but goes much more on heavy. “Without realizing it, – says Pascale to Repubblica – we are about to fall into homophobia. How did we come to have a government of ultra skill? Without noticing. This is the fear that the Lgbtq+ community experiences, that in small steps it will lead to homophobia. When this majority she is accused of being homophobic and fascist, it is the truth. The first piece was of attacking children Of homoparental couples. The Gpa (pregnancy for others, ed) – he continues – is an alibi for scare the people. But Pride claims homosexual pride, what does it have to do with surrogacy? The GPA is not a Pride theme”.

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“The right – continues Pascale in Repubblica – wants to bring the clash on the Gpa because it takes root more. And then the Catholic associations, such as Pro Vita, break in, through one sovereign political vision, on the freedom of others”. According to Pascale, a right that is not obscurantist “should exist. Meloni is surrounded by one nostalgic ruling class and stale. I think it causes problems for her as well. The premier should “face reality of the Lgbtq+ community, which is not a “carnival”, as they like to say, but is made up of many expressions of families, of many models that go respected and protected“. A slime instead it asks “of do not give up. His work has just begun. Let’s team up around her“.

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