Home » Uncomfortable samarias in the face of so much wastewater overflow

Uncomfortable samarias in the face of so much wastewater overflow

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Uncomfortable samarias in the face of so much wastewater overflow

This scenario has already become customary in sectors such as Camellón Rodrigo de Bastidas in the bay and Pescaíto, according to complaints from the community.

The inhabitants of different sectors of Santa Marta are annoyed and outraged by the continuous spills of wastewater that have been generating bad odors and health effects. This type of panorama is permanently evident in sectors of Camellón Rodrigo de Bastidas in the bay, mainly at the intersection with Avenida Santa Rita, and in Pescaíto, in the north of the city.

This has been generating nonconformity, not only in the Samaria community, but also among the number of tourists who come to the city.

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Jorge Murillo, a resident close to the La Bahía sector, told EL INFORMADOR, “that this type of problem has always occurred in this tourist sector and in different areas of our city. The saddest thing of all is that the residents are choosing to moving because of the bad smells and spills of these putrefied waters, commented Murillo.

For her part, Melisa Usuga, a tourist from Antioquia, in dialogue with EL INFORMADOR, revealed the following: “We have come from Bello, Antioquia, and it is really sad to observe the depressing panorama of the streets of the tourist center in poor condition, in where the sewage waters are everywhere, accompanied by bad smells which nobody can stand; In my municipality, such a disastrous situation is not noticeable, which puts the health of us tourists and the inhabitants of this beautiful city at risk. Usuga expressed.

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Because of this affectation, the Public Services Company of the District of Santa Marta “ESSMAR ESP” referred to the issue and informed EL INFORMADOR of the following statement: “The entry of solid materials into the sewerage caused damage to the pump Owner of the Wastewater Pumping Station, EBAR Norte. At this time, Essmar’s technical and operational teams are working on restoring the operation of the pump. From Essmar, actions of the action protocol were activated, such as the start-up of suction-pressure equipment at strategic points to mitigate overflows that may occur.

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This situation not only deteriorates the good image of a tourist city but also affects human health. It is necessary to indicate that the Essmar company has repeatedly responded to this emergency with interventions, but it is useless for the community of the city of Santa Marta to continue receiving warm water wipes.

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