Home » The “Last Generation” demonstrated in Heidelberg

The “Last Generation” demonstrated in Heidelberg

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The “Last Generation” demonstrated in Heidelberg

Heidelberg. A driver honks his horn, a cyclist applauds, a pedestrian shouts “What are you doing with that?”: A few with approval, sometimes with rejection and also insults, but largely without external excitement, the passers-by in Heidelberg city center followed a demonstration of the “Last Generation”.

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Around 20 to 25 activists and supporters of the group marched from 4 p.m. until just before 6 p.m. from the north end of the Theodor-Heuss Bridge to the Kurfürsten-Anlage/Poststraße intersection and back again. The demonstration caused a traffic jam, especially on the B3.

The group covered the distance of about two kilometers at a very leisurely pace and across the entire width of the lane – to the displeasure of the police, who accompanied the demonstration with four cars and two motorcycles. “You’re actually blocking the road here,” commented an otherwise benevolent passer-by. There were no clashes with motorists – especially since the demonstration was largely shielded by the following police cars.

About half of the participants are “new faces,” said Raúl Semmler, one of the group’s spokespersons in the Rhine-Neckar region. The state “persecution” of the “last generation” is one reason for the influx. At the end of May, the houses of representatives of the group were searched on suspicion of forming a criminal organization.

“The last generation cannot be criminalized,” said a demonstrator who had traveled from Mosbach. She is one reason why he has been taking part in group rallies since last week. The BUND district group Bergstraße was also represented at the demonstration. “We have shown solidarity with the last generation against their criminalization,” said Mathias Ilka from the board of directors of the district group. A 74-year-old participant said that her main concern was more climate protection – “I want to show my colors a bit”.

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The “Last Generation” had not registered the demonstration. According to Semmler, this was a conscious decision. “A registered demo on main traffic routes would not be possible,” said Semmler. “We want to set ourselves apart from conventional demos.” Semmler is now threatened with a penalty for violating the Assembly Act because of the lack of registration.

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