Home » There are 300 million for exporting enterprises affected by the flood — Enterprises

There are 300 million for exporting enterprises affected by the flood — Enterprises

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There are 300 million for exporting enterprises affected by the flood — Enterprises

For the exporting companies Emilia-Romagna damaged by the flood of May 2023 are available 300 million euros to cover with contributions a fund lost material damage suffered during the natural disaster. The new measure is published in a notice Simest (the company of CDP Group which supports the growth of Italian companies through the internationalization of their business).

The support measure in detail

The total budget of 300 million euros is divided according to these quotas: up to 30 million to micro and small enterprises; up to 180 million for SMEs (including micro and small enterprises) up to 90 million for mid caps. These are the direct and non-repayable contributions but Simest simultaneously activates the possibility for companies in the affected areas to request the Suspension up to 31 December 2023 of principal and interest payments on existing loans from the 394 Fund and on the Pnrr/Fondo 394 measure, without prejudice to the maximum duration of the loan granted.

Funds also for non-exporting companies

The Simest package of measures to support businesses will also include a reserve from 400 million euros for access to Fund 394 instruments dedicated tointernationalizationintended not only for exporting companies in the affected areas but also for all companies of the local production chain.

How to get the grant

This is a non-refundable grant to cover material damage to assets (for example property, equipment, machinery, vehicles and inventories) suffered by the company with a direct causal link with the flood event. How does it prove? Through one sworn appraisal issued by an expert registered in a professional register/order/college.

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The maximum amount

The maximum amount recognized is equal to 1,500,000 euros and in detail: for uninsured goods, up to 80% of the ascertained damages while for insured goods up to 100% of the ascertained damages excluded from the insurance coverage (deductible/overdraft or uninsured share). In any case, the grant is eligible cannot exceed 100% of the estimated damage value from certified expertise. The contribution is recognized within the limits of the portion of the same damages for which there was no access to other forms of relief paid for by the public finance, or to insurance compensation, in any form and by any subject granted or disbursed.

The contribution is dispensed in a single tranche within 10 days of receiving the outcome of the resolution of the subsidies committee.

When and how to apply

From 8 June 2023 it is possible to navigate on the portal in demo mode (simulation) for view the application form and the requested information (as an example). But requests for contributions can only be sent after 9 am on 26 June 2023.

In order to access the portal it is necessary to acquire a position in the virtual queue. Once your turn has arrived, it will be possible to carry out the activities of completing the application within a maximum time frame, after which it will be necessary to access the queue mechanism again.

The portal will remain active from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday, unless it closes early due to the exhaustion of the available financial resources, also depending on the ceilings available by company size.

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>All information about the measure

>The portal

> The reference documentation

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