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Battle, repechage and move to Parona

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Coach Alfonso Zanellati prepares the season in C Gold «Our priority is to find a play and a long foreigners»


Repechage and move in progress for Basketball Team Enrico Battaglia which, in recent weeks, has made official the choice to leave Mortara after twelve consecutive seasons, nine in Serie C Gold and three in Serie B.

For the next basketball year, which will almost certainly open in the last weekend of September, the club of patron Paolo Riccio and of the coach-franchise Alfonso Zanellati has decided to move to the Parona sports hall where it will play again in the Serie C Gold championship.

Only the official announcement is missing, which will arrive next week, but the yellow and blue company has received from the regional Fip the invitation to register for the C Gold, or an implicit confirmation of a repechage that was in the air for a long time, even before ended the last championship that had started late and in reduced ranks due to a pandemic. The Basket Team Battaglia had then been decimated by injuries at the highlight of a season faced only with their own boys from the nursery and the additions of the external Stonkus and Bonesso.

Before the serious incidents that stopped Sacchi, Muzio and Invernizzi, the Gialloblu were one step away from direct salvation. The epilogue was daring with the relegation gained in the last playout match. The Lombard Fip committee aims to restore a two-group C Gold of at least fourteen teams each, a difficult undertaking for which the repechage of the Battle is necessary and precious. In this perspective, the button room of the Gialloblu club is working to strengthen the squad: “We are viewing a sea of ​​games in search of a long and a foreign player who are currently our priority – explains coach Alfonso Zanellati -. For now, we have not found players who are right for us, but we continue to search. Once these two pawns have been identified, we will evaluate whether it will be possible to further insert an Italian winger in the roster of our boys who faced the last championship, knowing that Sacchi’s recovery times will be long and will last until December-January, while Muzio and Invernizzi should already be ready for the meeting in the last week of August ».

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Zanellati and the club elegantly dribble the issues that led them to choose the move to the Parona sports hall both with the first team (home matches on Saturday evening at 21), and with the whole nursery. However, the reasons are well known in the local sporting arena.

The constant postponement of definitive repairs to the sports hall (for example the roof from which water enters when it rains), rather than the difficult meeting point between the availability of hours and the growing needs of a rapidly developing club such as Basketball Team Battaglia would have been among the main causes of the move to Parona, a place where football with Mortara could also be transferred, in turn for some time in divergence of views with the municipal administration. In one fell swoop Mortara could lose football and basketball, confirming his global decline in sport as well. –

Fabio Babetto

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