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Psoriasis, advice to patients to take care of the skin “on their own” – breaking latest news

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For two and a half million Italians living with psoriasis, the reddish, scaly, itchy patches on the skin are often a tough daily battle, not infrequently exacerbated by the anxiety and discomfort caused by the disease. However, every patient can pay, every day, simple attentions that can contribute a lot to improving his life. “Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by phases of remission alternating with phases of worsening – he explains Antonio Costanzo, Head of Dermatology at the Humanitas Institute in Milan -. Physical and mental well-being has been scientifically proven to help improve the physical and mental symptoms of psoriasis. It is therefore crucial that those who suffer from it find a way to manage the inevitable tension that accompanies daily chores and that they do their best to keep the disease at bay, avoiding what exacerbates it ».

Pay attention to the power supply

There are no studies that establish a certain link between nutrition and psoriasis: no food should be criminalized per se, but following a diet rich in dishes with anti-inflammatory substances can help keep the disease under control. In fact, many patients notice a worsening of skin lesions when they feed regularly (and worse, in large quantities) with foods that promote inflammation of the organism: “There is no” psoriatic diet “- underlines Costanzo -, but those who suffer from it should follow a healthy and balanced diet, bearing in mind a few basic rules: the Mediterranean diet (rich in fruit, vegetables, fish and low in fat) is always a good example to follow. Remembering that it is now certain that overweight and obesity increase the risk of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and reduce the effectiveness of therapies ».

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No to smoking and alcohol

Numerous researches have since shown that alcohol and tobacco promote the onset of psoriasis and cause severe worsening. So psoriasis patients should stay away from it. «Both stimulate inflammatory reactions on the part of our body – explains the expert – and this means that the mechanisms underlying psoriasis are affected, with a worsening of the general situation, which then reverberates on the skin lesions. Smoking, then, also negatively interferes with the therapies, making them less effective ».

Follow the treatment as prescribed

Equally important is for psoriatic patients carefully follow the therapies as they are prescribed, without interrupting them or changing the intake. Having a chronic disease unfortunately means having to undergo checks and treatments for life, but it is scientifically proven that better results are obtained (even in the long term) by following what is established by the specialist. It can take weeks, sometimes months, to see significant improvements, but avoid doing it on your own. “Although there is still no definitive cure for this pathology, thanks to the many therapies available today, psoriasis can be kept under control and the goal of a skin free from lesions is achievable for the vast majority of patients – recalls Costanzo – . However, it is essential to have a constant dialogue with the dermatologist to better calibrate the treatments based on the progress of the disease and the needs of the individual person “. Therapies include local products, such as creams and ointments, and phototherapy which are used for mild forms. In severe forms, systemic drugs can instead be used (subcutaneous tablets or injections) of traditional type such as methotrexate, cyclosporine and retinoids, or new biological drugs.

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Meno stress

Easy to say, much less to do, but one of the main things every psoriasis should keep in mind is try to stress less. Statistics in hand, the percentages of anxiety and discomfort rise when the skin rashes are more extensive and cause more itching, but the latter in turn worsen when the patient goes through periods of stress and sleeps little or badly. “It is important to engage in small anti-stress moves and the holidays are a good time to start good habits – recalls Costanzo -. Summer can mark a starting point: walks in the mountains, swimming in the sea, psycho-physical relaxation exercises and maybe a good book to read they can mark a lifestyle change that will certainly improve skin lesions ».

Soft skin

Finally, a last precious piece of advice is to keep the skin soft and hydrated. To decrease the dryness of the skin in general, to remove the scales typical of psoriatic lesions. And, if the cream used contains substances with a soothing action, to at least partially remove the redness. «The importance of using gods emollients, in addition to therapies or even alone, is confirmed by various researches – concludes the expert -. All patients should make use of moisturizing and soothing products, at least once a day, but this is often not the case. Just as it is important to dry gently, without rubbing and irritating. Dry and inflamed skin can lead to worsening of the disease ».

August 4, 2021 (change August 4, 2021 | 18:01)

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