Home » All foods that are good for the heart: what they are

All foods that are good for the heart: what they are

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All foods that are good for the heart: what they are

What foods are good for the heart? It’s important to know them so as not to neglect them and make sure you include them in your diet.

The American Heart Association has published an article in the journal Circulation in which the most effective food model in protecting heart health and preventing the risk of developing heart disease has been designated. It is a healthy and balanced diet that ensures the maintenance of body weight and the intake of the right nutrients.

The American Heart Association has described the characteristics that a correct food plan must have in order to be defined as such. First of all, experts argue that to take care of your heart you need to implement strategies.

  1. Make sure your calorie and food intake is balanced with exercise.
  2. Introduce seasonal fruit and vegetables into your diet to get the right amount of nutrients.
  3. Prefer foods rich in protein and fiber, low-fat dairy products, lean meats.
  4. Use non-tropical vegetable oils such as olive or sunflower.
  5. Opt for unprocessed and processed foods.
  6. Eliminate or in any case reduce the consumption of sugary drinks.
  7. Decrease the consumption of salt.
  8. Do not abuse alcohol
  9. Avoid consuming prepackaged foods.
  10. Follow these rules regardless of where the food is prepared.

Prevention starts at the table, very little is needed!

Eating in the correct way significantly lowers the risk of being overweight, of an increase in cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar levels, it also prevents the possibility of overloading liver and kidney function, and helps keep blood pressure under control.

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What foods are heart health friendly? Lots of health

The onset of cardiovascular disease is linked to the manifestation of certain pathologies such as diabetes, high cholesterol, chronic kidney disease, family history, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, overweight. In the event that symptoms such as arrhythmias, palpitations, dizziness, chest pain should appear, it is advisable to go to the cardiologist. The specialist will prescribe the tests to be carried out to exclude or confirm the presence of a problem, acting in the most appropriate way to resolve it.

As well explained by the American experts, the health of the heart and in general that of the whole organism begins at the table. A healthy and balanced diet cannot be ignored in order to achieve or maintain a perfect state of health. The first form of prevention occurs when we choose the foods to ingest, a few simple rules are enough to stay fit and take care of your body without great sacrifices or sacrifices.

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