Home Ā» Africa: a conference of Africa and Business on the European Global Gateway strategy in Milan

Africa: a conference of Africa and Business on the European Global Gateway strategy in Milan

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Two hours to take a closer look at the 150 billion European investment plan for Africa, to try to understand its priorities, strategy and ways of interacting for companies. This will be at the center of a conference dedicated to the Global Gateway Africa and organized in Milan by the monthly “Africa e Affari”, by Confindustria Assafrica and the Mediterranean and by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) with the support of the Lufthansa Group and Assolombarda .

During the meeting, information will be provided on priority strategies and sectors, the political reasons behind the Global Gateway will be analysed, but the ways in which Italian companies can interact with institutions (European and national) will also be illustrated to deepen their knowledge on the Global Gateway Africa.

Financial institutions and the sharing of the experience of some Italian companies that are already studying the Global Gateway will complete the picture of the morning’s work.

Participation, exclusively in presence, is free upon registration on the Eventbrite platform. The appointment is in Milan on 22 June (from 10:30 in the Sala Solari of the Palazzo delle Stelline, Corso Magenta 61, Milan). To register, click here.

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