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Cancer, the five secret signs you may recognize while you’re at dinner

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Cancer, the five secret signs you may recognize while you’re at dinner

When you are at dinner you can notice these symptoms that warn you early about cancer. If you know them they save your life.

There are some cancer symptoms that are now known among the population. Sudden weight loss or a mole that changes shape or a lump in the breast are easy to identify as elements of danger to be referred to the doctor immediately. However some changes brought about by this disease are not so well known and can be ignored. In this article we will see how there are symptoms that you could easily ignore but which should warn you about this terrible disease and they are conditions that you can also recognize at the table.

These Symptoms May Warn You Early About Cancer

If you encounter any of these symptoms you shouldn’t immediately think of cancer but you simply need to consult with your doctor to understand what it is. Let’s see what are these alarm bells that need to pay particular attention. Doctors point out that knowing these symptoms can lead to one early diagnosis which is often the only real weapon to save one’s life and that of one’s loved ones.

Symptoms to watch out for

The first is persistent indigestion and heartburn. Indigestion can happen easily as well as heartburn. Often these conditions are caused by beverages such as coffee, alcohol, chocolate, and fatty or spicy foods. However if indigestion or heartburn is persistent it is time to delve deeper. In fact, the occasional acid reflux may be completely normal, but if it doesn’t go away, it could be a symptom of esophageal cancer or stomach cancer.

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Too frequent digestion problems are to be monitored
If abdominal swelling or acidity are very recurring, they should be carefully evaluated – grantennistoscana.it

A second symptom that should make you think is persistent swelling. Abdominal bloating is something very common and usually nothing to worry about if you have a swollen belly. However if you notice that the swelling is constant and it is not related to nutrition it could be related to ovarian or bowel cancer. Also in this case you shouldn’t worry but you should consult your doctor.

Fatigue and tiredness

Another condition to monitor is fatigue. If you are going through a stressful stage in your life and are having trouble falling asleep it is normal for you to feel tired. However, if the tiredness lasts over time and you can’t attribute it to a clear and valid reason, it could be due to leukemia, lymphoma or multiple myeloma. These are cancers that start in the bone marrow. A persistent effort of unclear origins therefore requires further investigation.

Persistent tiredness may be linked to cancer
If the tiredness is persistent and does not have a precise origin, it is better to talk to your doctor – grantennistoscana.it

Even a mouth or tongue ulcer should make us think. This is very common but usually goes away in about two weeks. However a red or white patch on the mouth or tongue that persists and lasts more than three weeks and which perhaps also leads to difficulty swallowing could be due to cancer of the mouth or oropharynx. We see the symptom of hoarseness or persistent cough.

Cough and night sweats

Again we are talking about something very common however if the cough persists for more than three weeks, here we go from an absolutely usual pathological condition to something a little different and the same goes for hoarseness that lasts more than 10 days: it could be due to cancer of the larynx. Night sweats can be caused by your menstrual cycle or menopause.

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Night sweats can be a symptom of cancer
Waking up drenched in sweat must make us investigate the causes with the doctor – grantennistoscana.it

However waking up drenched in sweat can also be a dangerous symptom of bone cancer, leukemia or liver cancer. If they last too long, talk to your doctor to rule out more serious conditions.

The role of psychology

Psychologists point out that often even those who suspect cancer refuse to do diagnostic tests. The fear of discovering this terrible disease leads many people to mentally exclude having it and therefore to categorically refuse tests that could save their lives instead. Going for a blood test with the fear of withdrawing a terrible report like that of cancer is certainly not something nice, but we must force ourselves to overcome this fear and promptly undergo any tests that your doctor may prescribe.

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