Home » AUSL Modena – ‘Drops of milk and rights’, a series of meetings on the rights and duties of new parents in the workplace is underway

AUSL Modena – ‘Drops of milk and rights’, a series of meetings on the rights and duties of new parents in the workplace is underway

by admin

What are the rights and duties of mothers and fathers in the workplace during pregnancy and after birth? What are the tools provided by the laws in force for the protection of maternity and paternity? These are the topics that will be addressed in the series of meetings ‘Drops of milk and rights’ organized by Counselors of the Modena Local Health Authority with the aim of giving parents, or future parents, useful information to be able to make adequate family choices and to be able to help each other in raising and caring for their children.

Three meetings are planned for 2023, the first will be held Wednesday 14 June from 5 to 7 pm at the headquarters of the family counseling center of Modena in via Don Minzoni 121. The Equality Councilors of the Province of Modena, Dr. Valeria Moscardino and lawyer Laura Caputo will take part.
The Counselors are available to carry out, subsequently and on request, individual or couple in-depth meetings (by telephone, email or direct appointment and agreed in the Consultorio).

The meeting is free and limited in number, to register you need to connect to the page on the Modena Ausl website

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