Home » DR Congo: UN deplores brutal attacks on displaced people in Lala

DR Congo: UN deplores brutal attacks on displaced people in Lala

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DR Congo: UN deplores brutal attacks on displaced people in Lala

©UNHCR/Hélène Caux A site for displaced people in the province of Ituri in the Democratic Republic of Congo, at dusk. (file photo).

New York, USA, June 13, 2023-The Peacekeeping Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) on Monday strongly condemned the brutal attack that took place overnight from Sunday to Monday on the site for people displaced in Lala, some 75 kilometers from Bunia, in the province of Ituri, in the east of the country.

According to preliminary reports received by the UN, more than 45 people were killed, including 12 burned living in their shelters, and 10 others injured, during the assault carried out using firearms and machetes.

Women and children are among the victims of this targeted attack against vulnerable displaced persons allegedly responsible for members of the armed group CODECO.

Every effort will be made to put an end to these attacks and fight impunity

“Peacekeepers have strengthened security in the region, in collaboration with the provincial authorities”, said during his daily press briefing the spokesperson for the Secretary-General, Stephane Dujarric, adding that “the Mission offers its condolences to the families of the victims and wishes a speedy recovery to all those injured”.

The UN peacekeeping department said it would spare no effort to end these attacks and fight impunity, within their mandate, Dujarric added.

“The Peacekeeping Mission also reaffirmed its commitment to work alongside Congolese defense and security forces to increase joint patrols to protect civilians and displaced persons in the region,” said the spokesperson. word of the UN.

Heinous attacks against vulnerable civilian populations

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, said it was “shocked” by this latest in a series of brutal attacks by non-state armed groups against forcibly displaced people in the DRC, stressing that ” these acts of brutal violence have resulted in the loss of innocent lives and the mass displacement of vulnerable individuals and families”.

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“UNHCR deplores in the strongest terms these heinous attacks against vulnerable civilian populations,” said UNHCR Regional Bureau Director for Southern Africa, Valentin Tapsoba.

“This cycle of violence must end. We call for collective efforts to pacify the conflict in Ituri province so that the Congolese can return home, regain their livelihoods and live in peace,” Mr. Tapsoba added.

Armed assailants targeted civilians, leaving behind a trail of destruction and devastation.

The UN remains committed to providing life-saving assistance and protection to affected populations

“Despite the volatile security situation, UNHCR and its humanitarian partners remain committed to providing life-saving assistance and protection to affected populations,” the UN Refugee Agency said.

“Response activities are underway to meet the immediate needs of displaced people, including shelter, food and psychosocial support for those traumatized by the attack,” UNHCR said.

For UNHCR the resurgence of violence in the region is “deeply worrying” and “underlines the urgent need for sustained efforts to address the causes of the conflict and promote lasting peace and stability”.

“UNHCR reiterates its call on all actors involved to respect the civilian and humanitarian nature of displacement sites and ensure the safety and well-being of displaced populations,” the UN agency said.

Distributed by African Media Agency (AMA) for UN Info.

The post DR Congo: UN deplores brutal attacks on IDPs in Lala appeared first on African Media Agency.

Source : African Media Agency (AMA)

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