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Centenarian woman reveals her two secrets to living long and healthy

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Centenarian woman reveals her two secrets to living long and healthy

One woman lived to be nearly 119 years old, another just turned a century old, and in very good health. What are the secrets to living long.

What are the secrets to living long? They were revealed by a person who has passed the century of life, managing to reach triple figures in terms of springs lived substantially in good health. His arms and legs are responsive enough to feel good at that age, and his head works. Very important thing for an elderly individual.

The hands of an elderly person (Canva – inran.it)

She is mother Lucile Randonwhich passed away just at the beginning of the year at 118 years old, by the way just over three weeks away from his 119th birthday. The woman was in fact born on February 11, 1904 in Arlès, France. It is a small town about thirty kilometers from Avignon, another city known for having hosted several popes between 1309 and 1377.

Lucile Randon disappeared in all serenity on January 17, 2023 in a rest home in Toulon, where she had gone to live just over ten years ago. It is said of her that she has always been in great health and it must be said that she is one of the ten known and certified cases of people who have been able to reach the age of 117. It’s like having lived two lives, basically.

The secrets to living long? Those who have reached the age of one hundred tell us

But there are several other centenarians around the world, and several are in Italy, which is located in third place overall among the longest-lived countries in the world and where people live the longest. Ahead of us are only Hong Kong, in first place, and Japan, in second.

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Of healthy and natural foods (Canva – inran.it)

This already lets you understand how the kitchen makes the difference. Good cooking, more to be precise. In Sardinia in particular there is a high percentage of individuals who have managed to reach old age for at least three decades. Centenarians amaze but are not an exception, even if arriving not so far from 120 years of life leaves you speechless.

Now one of the people who lives the longest is Marlys Mullerof US nationality. She turned a hundred years old.

And we know about him that he lives in Wisconsin, which is one of the areas where rural life is more widespread. Here’s another important clue to consider. And that is that, in order to live long, in addition to a good healthy diet, the environment in which we find ourselves every day also makes a difference.

And the countryside is definitely much healthier than the city. Miss Muller took advantage of the food grown at zero kilometer and the pure air away from the urban agglomerations to travel so far in terms of age. But she also spoke to the press about how she achieved it, talking about her secrets to living a long life.

How to get through the century of life in full health

As in the case of Lucile Random, eat healthy and breathe pure air it made all the difference. But the centenary Muller also added more: the passion for dance. To this day she continues to get busy in the dances and this thing seems to have helped her to remain intact both physically and mentally.

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An elderly woman dancing (Canva – inran.it)

And then too pure scotch every day, just a small glass, seems to have helped this lively and stainless woman to strengthen her temper. Alcoholic substances, if taken in moderation even once a day, would really help to live longer and in health, as confirmed by several studies.

In a nutshell, to always feel good and to see as many generations as possible, you need to eat healthily and breathe clean air and keep movingboth with the body and with the head.


Walking and reading are two of the activities we can do at any time, in any season, at any age, to always feel good. And it also helps in a further way to sleep and always rest to the fullest, with at least 8 hours of spun sleep a night.

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