Home » Current issue of ersatzkasse magazin.: In action for a healthy Europe – Interview with Tino Sorge MdB about the role of health insurance companies in digitization

Current issue of ersatzkasse magazin.: In action for a healthy Europe – Interview with Tino Sorge MdB about the role of health insurance companies in digitization

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Current issue of ersatzkasse magazin.: In action for a healthy Europe – Interview with Tino Sorge MdB about the role of health insurance companies in digitization

Berlin – The importance of EU health policy is increasing. The European Representation of German Social Insurance (DSV) has been campaigning for the interests of statutory health, pension and accident insurance in Brussels for 30 years now. ersatzkasse magazine. takes a look at the health policy challenges in the European Union and their impact on the German health system. Among other things, a reform of the EU pharmaceutical law and the introduction of a European Health Data Space (EHDS) are planned. With the EHDS, the health data available in Germany would then also be available to the insured in other European countries, emphasizes Marion von Wartenberg, Vice President of the Association Internationale de la Mutualité (AIM) in the ersatzkasse magazin. A real improvement in care can be expected as a result.

Interview with Tino Sorge: “Digitization without the health insurance companies would be fundamentally wrong”

In an interview with ersatzkasse magazin. comments the health policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Tino Sorge, on the federal government’s planned digitization strategy. He underlines the central role that the health insurance companies have in the expansion of digitization in the healthcare system: “Across all age groups and life situations, they experience first-hand where insured persons are dissatisfied, where digital solutions offer potential and where not.” to advance digitization without the health insurance companies, because this would be “fundamentally wrong”.

You can also read in ersatzkasse magazin.:

  • Health promotion for people with learning disabilities
  • Sepsis: New training videos for family caregivers
  • Bring health literacy into schools
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The ersatzkasse magazine. is available free of charge as an ePaper and as a PDF download.
You can find more information on our website.

The Association of Substitute Funds e. V. (vdek) represents the interests of and provides services to all six health insurance funds, which together insure more than 28 million people in Germany:

– Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), Twitter: @TK_Press

– BARMER, Twitter: @BARMER_Presse

– DAK Health, Twitter: @DAKHealth

– KKH Commercial Health Insurance, Twitter: @KKH_Politik

– hkk – Handelskrankenkasse, Twitter: @hkk_Presse

– HEK – Hanseatische Krankenkasse, Twitter: @HEKonline

The Association of Substitute Funds e. V. (vdek) was founded in Eisenach on May 20, 1912 under the name “Association of registered commercial relief funds (substitute funds)”. Until 2009, the association operated under the name “Association of Employee Health Insurance Funds e. V.” (VdAK).

More than 290 employees work at the vdek headquarters in Berlin. In the individual federal states, 15 state representations with a total of around 380 and more than 30 employees in the care bases ensure the regional presence of the substitute health insurance funds.

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