Home » Migrant massacre: EU meeting on relief efforts today. 600 dead are feared

Migrant massacre: EU meeting on relief efforts today. 600 dead are feared

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In the shipwreck of Pylos, in Greece, it is possible there are up to 600 dead. According to survivors there were at least 100 children in the hold. There is little hope for the hundreds who are missing. Arrested 11-12 people accused of being smugglers.

Greece: the transfer of the survivors of the shipwreck is in progress

The transfer of the 104 migrants who survived the shipwreck south of the Peloponnese from the port of Kalamata to the reception facility in Malakasa, north of Athens, has begun. Among them are some minors who will first be transferred to the reception camp to complete the identification procedures and then they will be housed in some juvenile facilities. At the moment, two buses are at the port of Kalamata where the rescued migrants are gradually being picked up.

Pope: so much pain for migrants

“So much pain.” Thus Pope Francis, as he left the Gemelli Polyclinic, commented with the reporters present on the news of the sinking of a boat full of migrants in the Aegean, off the coast of Pylos, in the Peloponnese, for which hundreds of deaths are feared.

Piantedosi, stopping illegal departures is a government objective

“Stopping, or at least limiting as much as possible, indiscriminate and illegal departures is always the main objective for the government. In the knowledge, however, that it is a goal that is not always immediately at hand”. Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said so in an interview with Domani.
“In the last twenty years there have been countless shipwrecks before Cutro in various parts of the Mediterranean. This umpteenth tragedy confirms that human traffickers do business in an unscrupulous manner with total disregard for the lives of migrants who are exposed to unacceptable risks – he says – Italy, together with other European partners, is working to counter human traffickers and strengthen the regular immigration channels: men and women who must arrive only in a legal, safe, planned manner, with adequate programming tools such as the flow decree”.

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Arrested 12 people accused of being smugglers

Arrested 11-12 people accused of being smugglers. At first, the Greek authorities had arrested 9 Egyptians suspected of being the smugglers of the fishing boat which capsized off the coast of Pylos, Greece, with hundreds of people on board. This was reported by the Greek broadcaster ERT.

Sunken boat departed from Egypt empty, then to Libya

According to the rescuers, the Adriana shipwrecked vessel left Egypt empty, stopped in the Libyan port of Tobruk to load the migrants and then continued on its way to Italy. This was reported by the Greek TV station Ert. The port of departure would explain the Egyptian nationality of the alleged smugglers arrested by the Greek authorities who are subjecting the suspected traffickers of human beings to stringent interrogations. So far, 78 bodies have been recovered and 104 people have been rescued. The number of missing remains unknown, there were perhaps 750 people on board the vessel.

EU meeting on relief efforts today. 600 dead are feared

A meeting of the European Union for rescue at sea will be held today, but a common line does not seem close. Poland wants a referendum on EU relocations. The Spaniard Sanchez: ‘The EU is united’. In the shipwreck of Pylos, in Greece, it is possible there are up to 600 dead. According to survivors there were at least 100 children in the hold. There is little hope for the hundreds who are missing.

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