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TWILIGHT – Ivory Tower

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TWILIGHT – Ivory Tower

Ivory Tower
(Heavy Metal | Hard Rock)

Label: WormHoleDeath
Format: (LP)

Release: 21.04.2023

TWILIGHT may be the Finnish word for twilight, but the accompanying band is surprisingly from the States and, judging by the names of the band members, has no members from the land of a thousand lakes. Stylistically, you still feel at home there in the far north of Finland on the debut “Ivory Tower”.

Unsurprisingly, the names native to northern Europe such as NORTHER, SKY FIRE and CHILDREN OF BODOM a. That is to say that the Colorado gentlemen deliver upbeat Melodic Death Metal with melodic keyboards and husky vocals on their debut. But that hardly sets you apart from the troops mentioned, you never reach their level and you don’t offer much in terms of innovation either. And yet you try to stand out from your own idols, at least temporarily, with all sorts of tricks. This can be through quiet interludes with cello, sterile sounds almost reminiscent of industrial metal or through the clean vocals of Aaron Shug, who supports growler Josh Ruff from time to time.

But all this should definitely not deter fans of the genre, because the Americans do their chess well, deliver crisp riffs, tight rhythms and dynamic songwriting. For a debut, the thing is also decently produced and goes well forward. If the gentlemen in the future also push a little more of their own ideas, which are already there in the beginning, and write real hits, then the gentlemen could possibly step into the breach left by the three bands mentioned, who for various reasons are no longer active, jump.

Tracklist „Ivory Tower“:

1. Across the Hills Of Emyn Muil
2. Holy War
3. Hardly Awake
4. Isolation
5. Under the Sun
6. Retribution
7. Withering Away
8. The Fallen
9. Ivory Tower
Total playing time: 32:34

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twilight Ivory tower twilight Ivory tower TWILIGHT - Ivory Tower TWILIGHT - Ivory Tower

TWILIGHT - Ivory Tower
TWILIGHT – Ivory Tower
Josh Ruff (Vocals, Bass)
Aaron Schug (Guitars, Vocals)
Austen Couch (Guitars)
Tony Molieri (Keys)
Orlando Manzanares (Drums)
Buy on Amazon

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The post HÄMÄRÄ – Ivory Tower appeared first on earshot.at.

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