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Cut pipe bush: Instructions for lush flowers

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Cut pipe bush: Instructions for lush flowers

The European mock orange (Philadelphus coroner), also known as false jasmine, summer jasmine or farmer’s jasmine, belongs to the hydrangea family. The shrubs are deciduous, which means they lose their leaves in winter and their flowers bloom between May and June, depending on the area. They are often planted in parks and gardens by the authorities because they look beautiful when they are in bloom but require little maintenance. With proper pruning, the plant can be kept in an aesthetically pleasing spherical shape. It is important when and how you prune a mock orange. Below are helpful tips!

Why should you prune the mock orange tree?

Over time, the farmer’s jasmine becomes overgrown, reducing the number of flowers. Plants that have become overgrown will have bare spots on the branches, which will then stop blooming as well. If the vegetation is cut back, the plant gets more sun and can put its energy into flowering. Removing dead or ineffective wood can revive the plant’s development.

Summer jasmine’s attractive appearance can be maintained with pruning, which also promotes the overall health of the plant. Your shrub will always look beautiful and produce the most flowers if you prune it.

When is the right time to cut back?

When is the right time to cut back?

As with most multi-stemmed deciduous shrubs, regular pruning – every 2 to 3 years – is required to encourage new shoot growth and flowering. If not cared for properly, a farmer’s jasmine can become confusing, overgrow and become brittle. If you prune this attractive shrub at the wrong time of year or on the wrong part of the plant, you can prevent flowering. The magnificent and fragrant blooms of this plant are what attract most gardeners, although the dense foliage is also very pretty.

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Thin out every 2 to 3 years

Cut chanterelle tree - With the help of these instructions you can enjoy a lush bloom

When it comes to pruning the mock orange tree, timing is of the utmost importance. The flowering period begins in spring and lasts 2 months. After the shrubs have finished flowering but before new branches develop, you should make the necessary pruning. Since the plant flowers on the previous year’s shoots, the new growth will result in flowers the following year. So if you prune the plant from late summer to early spring, there may be fewer flowers.

Maintenance pruning on overgrown shrubs is necessary to revive flowering, reduce overcrowding, and improve air circulation. Pruning farmer’s jasmines requires a gradual approach over a period of two or three years. Cut off about a third of the older stems around the base of the plant (just a few inches off the ground). The next year, remove another third of the old shoots from the plant. The overcrowding and limp stems of an established mock orange tree can be corrected over the course of a few years.

When pruning young plants, only the tops should be removed to encourage new development. Or, if it’s still a scrawny young plant, cut the stems back to about half their original length to stimulate new shoots to grow from the base of the plant.

Cut chanterelle bush – instructions

Cut chanterelle bush - instructions

To avoid spreading diseases and pests, always clean your secateurs before trimming plants. Cleaning the instruments is as simple as wiping them down with a solution of water and bleach or rubbing alcohol and water. If you’re pruning a chanterelle tree because it’s infested with a pest or disease, you should disinfect your shears between each cut by dipping them in a mixture of water and bleach or rubbing alcohol. This will reduce the chance of spreading the disease.

  1. As a first step, you should locate old, overgrown branches. Branches should be cut down to the base to remove up to a third of old growth. Also remove some of the inner branches of the shrub so each individual limb can benefit from sunlight and fresh air.
  2. Check if the plant is growing evenly. Reduce uneven development to make the overall picture more balanced and symmetrical.
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Remove damaged growth

Remove damaged growth

You can prune the shrub at any time to get rid of damaged or dead growth. Removing the damaged growth allows the plant to put its energy into new development, which in turn helps the plant reach its full potential. There is no need to remove faded flowers and it will not prolong flowering.

Mock Orange – Slightly poisonous

It is a plant that is known to be poisonous to both animals and humans, so care should be taken with it. Therefore, wear gloves when cutting. Squirrels are the only animals that will eat the seeds and bees love the nectar the flowers provide.

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