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The 4-day week in nursing? Expert explains the potential and what companies …

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The 4-day week in nursing?  Expert explains the potential and what companies …

Martin right

Cologne (ots)

Faced with overtime and burnout, many healthcare facilities are looking for ways to improve the working conditions of their employees while maintaining the quality of care. One option that’s getting more and more attention in this regard is the 4-day week. But can this approach be implemented in the care sector?

“The 4-day week has the potential to increase job satisfaction and at the same time ensure the quality of care. But careful planning and implementation is required to minimize possible risks. After all, companies are initially forgoing valuable labour,” says Martin right. He advises clinics throughout Germany on finding staff and knows how to keep their employees happy and inspire new people. In this article, he reveals what potential he sees in the 4-day week and what companies should also consider in recruiting in the future.

The advantages of the 4-day work week for healthcare facilities

A 4-day week is generally associated with various advantages for employers. These include, for example, simplified recruiting and increased employee loyalty. The shortened working week in nursing by one day could also encourage part-time workers to switch to full-time. Although the pure duty time within the framework of the 4-day week does not decrease, the three days off could offer a convincing incentive for many nurses to increase the number of hours. Facilities are ultimately also able to reduce their number of mostly cost-intensive temporary workers.

Possible risks in view

With the help of the 4-day week, the existing staff could be relieved and the shortage of skilled workers counteracted. At the same time, due to the longer shifts, the model should ensure a consistently high quality of care at reduced costs. In theory, the 4-day week sounds promising. In practice, however, their feasibility must be proven in any case.

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It remains to be seen whether an additional day off can compensate for the increased workload on the regular working days. For example, some consider the 4-day week in the rescue service, nursing or in the regular everyday hospital routine to be simply not feasible. Ultimately, the need for personnel must be continuously ensured, which could have a counterproductive effect due to the increased workload per shift.

The whole package has to convince

Healthcare employers need to find ways to make themselves more attractive. Flexible working time models such as the 4-day week are a conceivable possibility for this. However, it remains to be seen whether it will make nursing professions more attractive in the long term. This cannot be assessed at this time. In general, however, it is clear that family-friendly working hours are becoming increasingly important. The staff is therefore concerned with a good work-life balance, which must not rule out appropriate payment. In addition, many nursing staff appreciate a motivating team with nice colleagues. The overall package must therefore be right for a healthcare facility to be perceived as an attractive employer.

About Martin Right:

Martin Recht is Managing Director of Personal Hospital. Together with his team of experts, he works throughout Germany on long-term solutions for the successful recruitment of hospital staff. Both large hospitals and well-known university clinics are among the customers of the renowned personnel consultancy. The team attaches great importance to a local presence: They speak directly to the people on site to understand their concerns and needs. Needs-optimized solutions for individual needs can be found quickly. Further information on this at:

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Personal Hospital
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Managing Directors: Marcel P. East, Martin L. Right

Press contact:
Ruben Schaefer
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Original content by: Martin Recht, transmitted by news aktuell

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