Home » He attacks Berlusconi but then reconsiders. Own goal by the writer Dacia Maraini

He attacks Berlusconi but then reconsiders. Own goal by the writer Dacia Maraini

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He attacks Berlusconi but then reconsiders.  Own goal by the writer Dacia Maraini

Dacia Maraini attacks Berlusconi but then reconsiders

Meanwhile, let’s start with the “gumblotto”.

Dacia Marainiwriter who was the companion of Alberto Moravia, indignant rod on the Corriere della Sera:

“My sentences are circulating on the net about Berlusconi which were written, indeed pronounced in 2018, when the knight was alive. I don’t know who brought them up today, not me. I reported the abuse to the post office at the time but I was told that the author cannot be found. It is also a manipulated text. I have never said that Berlusconi is worse than fascism, but that the danger of Berlusconi is more subtle, more underground and more difficult to recognize than fascism. I don’t deny my judgment as a whole but honestly if he had depended on me I wouldn’t have intervened on the day of his death. The dead are respected, even with silence”.

Speech confused in dynamics and blurred in kinematics.

However, it turns out that it is a case of “physiological diversification”, a disease that affects many – or supposedly Italian – intellectuals.

We explain how the phenomenon works.

The intellectual sees a large stone on the ground, picks it up, looks around, and then throws it at his opponent, in this case Silvio Berlusconi and bumps him.

Then the intellectual whistles while walking around pretending nothing happened.

But since unfortunately the Net has a phenomenal memory, the thing comes to the surface and then the new Davide takes refuge precisely in physiological diversification.

A rhetorical trick which consists in saying that the meaning of the sentence is manipulated but that, overall, what is running on the Net is right, in fact it says “I don’t deny it on the whole” but in fact it was “manipulated”.

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Then in the article the national Dacia, releases the poison:

“Certainly Berlusconi alone cannot be held responsible for a fall in the sense of community ethics, but the great industrialist accompanied by his three televisions which have taken up so much space in the imagination of Italians, I would say yes. The idea that everything can be bought and sold, from television licenses to politicians, from ideas to women’s bodies, was spread precisely by the three televisions that the knight used to enter the consciences of Italians. I don’t know if he did it with cynical cunning or with conviction. It is probable that in his narcissism he truly believed that he was a model to follow ”.

To frame the final apotheosis:

“Some say he loved women, it is even suggested that he loved them too much. And this makes us understand how widespread the idea is still that for man love consists of seduction, conquest, possession, and erotic consumption”.

For her the “seduction” is therefore rubbish from hairy and stinking hunks in which some little princess is lusted after by the hairy ogre, “without his knowledge”.

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