Home » Wall Street closed, BoE on Thursday. In Milan it’s mini dividend-day From Investing.com

Wall Street closed, BoE on Thursday. In Milan it’s mini dividend-day From Investing.com

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Wall Street closed, BoE on Thursday.  In Milan it’s mini dividend-day From Investing.com

© Reuters

Investing.com – Negative open for , , and on Monday after a busy week for macro data and central banks. This week all eyes are on London, where the Bank of England could raise interest rates again to 4.75%, but traders’ bets are more worrying, according to which the cost of money could reach a maximum of 6% .

With Wall Street closed today for the Juneteenth holiday, it will be an important day for coupons for Piazza Affari. There will be 11 stock exchange companies that will distribute the saying, of which 4 from the Mib: Poste Italiane (BIT:) (BIT:PST) (0.44 euros) Snam (BIT:) (BIT:SRG) (0.1651 euros) and Terna (BIT:) (BIT:TRN) (0.208 euro) the balance for 2022 while Hera (BIT:) (BIT:HRA) the ordinary dividend of 0.125 euro.

Staccheranno la cedola anche Acea (BIT:) (BIT:ACE) (0.85 euro) Iren (BIT:) (BIT:IREE) (0.11 euro) OVS (BIT:) (BIT:OVS) (0.06 euro) Carel Industries (0.18 euro) TamburiIP (0.13 euro) e Acinque (0.085 euro).

Bags in the red also in China, where US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Chinese diplomatic chief Wang Yi, on the first visit to China by a US secretary of state in five years.

Attention will be drawn to a possible meeting between Blinken and Chinese President Xi Jinping later in the day, an event which, according to Reuterswas expected but has not yet been confirmed by the State Department or Chinese officials.

Meanwhile, on the economic side, China’s prospects are not the best: Goldman Sachs (NYSE:) (NYSE: GS) cut its economic growth forecast for China to 5.4% from 6% for 2023, joining a list of major investment banks such as UBS and JP Morgan (NYSE:) which reduced their forecasts on China’s economic recovery.

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The past week was another positive octave for equity lists. Leading the , which jumps by 4.4% and points to the highs of 1989, +3.8% for the , the S&P 500 closed the best week since last March (the fifth in a row), while in Europe the has touched new all-time highs.

“Taking stock of the post-Fed and ECB announcements, we can say that the market believes that central banks won’t push ahead with restrictive policy much longer, betting instead on the wave of the future as demonstrated by the tech rally”, he writes on Investing.com, Fabrizio Barini, analyst of Integrae SIM.

“There are some doubts about the endurance of the rally due to volatility at historic lows, which could then suddenly rekindle leading to a correction in price lists. Moreover, for some operators the challenges facing monetary policy are very difficult. In fact, there are indicators “invisible” that seem to have little impact on inflation and instead could lead to jolts. Let’s think, for example, that in Europe core inflation is above 5%, very far from 2%, the ECB’s target”, adds Barini.

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