Home » “Naples à Paris”, the masterpieces of the Capodimonte Museum enchant the Louvre

“Naples à Paris”, the masterpieces of the Capodimonte Museum enchant the Louvre

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“Naples à Paris”, the masterpieces of the Capodimonte Museum enchant the Louvre

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It is a sumptuous taste of the Bourbons that sees the Capodimonte Museum, directed by the Frenchman Sylvain Bellenger, lend no less than sixty works to the Louvre until 8 January 2024. “Naples à Paris. Le Louvre invites the musée de Capodimonte” embodies the first time that the Parisian museum has dedicated a major exhibition to another museum. The exhibition, curated by Sébastien Allard, director of the Paintings department of the Louvre, and the aforementioned Sylvain Bellenger, shows an exclusive and original partnership which gives rise to an unmissable event.

Transfiguration by Bellini

The theme of the exhibition is therefore not just one artist, but almost seventy works by Capodimonte that enrich the opulent halls of the Parisian museum. The masterpieces dialogue with the works of the Louvre in three different spaces: the Grande Galerie, the Salle de la Chapelle and the Salle de l’Horloge. Starting from the Grande Galerie, in the Denon wing of the Louvre, two collections of Italian paintings among the most famous in the world are brought into dialogue. Masterpieces such as the Transfiguration by Bellini, the Crucifixion by Masaccio and the splendid paintings by Parmigianino (including the enigmatic Antea), are just a few meters from the famous Gioconda by Leonardo da Vinci. Titian’s Danae also trembles at being seen, restored to shine with the gold of the new frame, paid homage by the patrons of Capodimonte. Nor can the Flagellation by Caravaggio be missing, to conclude the Italian excellence on loan for six months in France.

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The Fall of the Giants by Filippo Tagliolini

Just restored, the precious porcelain of The Fall of the Giants by Filippo Tagliolini is also on display. In the Salle de la Chapelle the origins and diversity of the Capodimonte, Farnese and Bourbon collections are highlighted. Finally, in the Salle de l’Horloge four masterpieces of drawings from the ancient Farnese collection are exhibited: the autograph cartoon of Michelangelo and that of Raphael (used for the Sistine Chapel) in dialogue with the drawings of Raphael and his pupils kept in the Louvre . Also scheduled during the exhibition is a real “Neapolitan season” in Paris: many cultural events full of cinema, literature and music. In the meantime, the Capodimonte Museum will take advantage of the loan period to renovate the Reggia during the six months. A remarkable act of cooperation and cultural creativity between the Italian Republic and the French Republic. A union of shared history between the two countries and between two royal palaces transformed into museums, rich in collections inherited from great sovereigns.

“Naples in Paris. The Louvre invites the Capodimonte Museum”, Paris, Louvre, until January 8, 2024

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