Home » 10 foods that are good for the prostate after 60

10 foods that are good for the prostate after 60

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10 foods that are good for the prostate after 60

The enlargement of prostatealso known as benign prostatic hyperplasiaIPB, frequently affects the men over and especially after i 60 years. A non-cancerous condition but which favors an enlargement of the prostate gland, often as a result of physiological and hormonal changes in the part in question.

The condition is not that abnormal and is often accompanied by a series of symptomssometimes painful and uncomfortable, such as a strong urge to urinate. The prostate or prostate gland it is part of the male genital system, it is located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Among the causes that can alter the well-being of the prostate there is enlargement, as mentioned, followed by prostatitis or even cancer.

It is a condition often favored by some factors such as advancing age, or by a strong increase in weight, by diabeteshigh blood pressure and cholesterol, cardiovascular problems and a sedentary lifestyle.

Enlarged prostate, symptoms

The condition favors a number of annoying symptoms and also painful as the difficulty urinatingfollowed by burning during urination and a strong urge to urinate. The flow of urine may be scanty or weak, forcing the person to go to the bathroom constantly and even during the night, with a strong sensation of poor emptying of the bladder and, occasionally, with loss of blood traces.

The condition of inflammation manifests itself through these symptoms, even if occasionally it can be asymptomatic, and if not treated favor infections, urine stagnation and complications. For this it is advisable to carry out scheduled checkssupporting everything with a type support feeding. Some foods perform a useful action, reducing inflammation and relieving the disorder: let’s discover them together.

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10 foods that are good for the prostate

here are the foodstuffs more useful for the well-being of prostate glandperfect for activating a valid and effective anti-inflammatory action.

Peppers: a real vitamin C recharge, more than oranges and citrus fruits, a panacea for prostate health. The high percentage of vitamin C helps reduce inflammation and swelling, while also improving urination. Some hot peppers, such as jalapeños, are rich in capsaicin which gives them a spicy taste, but it also seems to have a valid anticancer action.Pumpkin seeds and dried fruit: the former are rich in zinc, highly beneficial against swelling of the prostate. On the other hand, dried fruit guarantees a greater quantity of vitamin E and selenium, in particular Brazilian nuts capable of supporting the immune system, increasing testosterone levels and activating an anticancer action.Foods with soy: such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk and edamame beans guarantee a good level of isoflavones genistein and daidzein, able to play the same role as the prostate. For a valid antitumor action of great effect.Garlic: it is a panacea against high blood pressure and in support of the immune system, it also activates a preventive action against prostatic hypertrophy. At the same time reducing the possibility of developing tumor forms.crucify: in particular broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower rich in sulforaphane capable of activating against cancer cells.Pesce: the best are salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout and herring because they are all rich in omega 3 fatty acids, perfect for acting against inflammation.Green tea: anticancer action is a tasty drink rich in antioxidant compounds known as catechins, useful for reducing inflammation while also improving urine stream.Tomatoes: the lycopene contained is the real protagonist, which gives the vegetables their color and which acts as an antioxidant carotenoid, reducing the possibility of developing prostate cancer. The perfect combination for prostate health is tomato eaten with broccoli.Legumes: such as beans and lentils, for example, improve prostate health because they contain phytoestrogens, for a valid contrast against cancer cells.Berries and red fruits: also in this case the recharge of vitamin C is ensured, in particular with the support of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and pomegranate. True natural antioxidants, able to act on the volume of the prostate.

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