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Walk to lose weight, how many steps to take per day: magnificent results

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Walk to lose weight, how many steps to take per day: magnificent results

Steps, here’s how much to walk a day to avoid problems and stay healthy, do physical activity for your body and mind.

According to experts thephysical activity it would be the basis of a correct lifestyle to stay healthy, it’s not just about physical shape and muscle tone but also about body well-being. To prevent pathologies, stimulate the cardiovascular system and also bring mental benefits through the production of endorphins.

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So physical activity and sport they would be a real elixir of long life and good mood. What we should do would be a walk of at least half an hour a day at a brisk pace, this would be one of the best ways to burn calories and also to lose weight. In addition to playing sports and walking, it can also be a good solution to prefer the stairs to walk to work if you have the opportunity.

If we do a stressful office job, for example when we get away from it all we might decide to go for a run or a walk in the evening to get rid of all the stress and tension accumulated during the day, it can be liberating mentally as well.

Walking, steps and physical activity because it is important for your health

The steps to reach would be at least 7000 this can be done by making a simple one stroll at a brisk pace of about 30/40 minutes, you can choose to do it in the park near your home, in the center or on a cycle path.

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The important thing is to walk and it doesn’t matter where, it can definitely be more liberating to choose to do it even in the middle of nature a brisk walk in the forest, in the mountains, on a plain or by the sea, could be even more peaceful. However, walking is essential for our health and also for our physical form. It will also be liberating from a mental point of view as physical activity is capable of acting on certain hormones that will automatically make us feel more relaxed and, if you want, even happy.

Furthermore, the more we move, the more we will do activities and the more we will feel the need for it, in fact our body tends to get used to it and if we start to burn a certain number of calorie then he will want to continue to stay at that level. Clearly other ways to do physical activity are to join a gym, to participate in group activities such as yoga, swimming, pilates or other sport.

Walking (pexles)- lindiscreto.it

Sport is important for children but also for adults, in fact it constitutes a great outlet and prevents many pathologies, from cardiovascular diseases, to cancer, to neurodegenerative diseases of the elderly. Physical activity is a panacea for our physical and mental health.

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