Home » Avoid Summer Flu|Treat Flu in Summer

Avoid Summer Flu|Treat Flu in Summer

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Avoid Summer Flu|Treat Flu in Summer

Has it ever happened to you? The last holiday preparations have been made, the suitcases packed, the newspaper canceled, you even thought of the sunscreen. But shortly before leaving, they are overcome by physical exhaustion – a summer infection.

A study has shown that 92% of the population is to blame for this disease. Our modern, sometimes very unreasonable life promotes the summer flu-like infection. When people are crowded despite hygiene measures – for example in the outdoor pool, on bus or plane trips, at summer events – the viruses have particularly short distances. The viruses are transmitted by droplet infection when speaking, sneezing or coughing. Another factor is often air conditioning, which easily leads to colds. If a heated and sweaty body is exposed to increased drafts in summer, the mucous membranes dry out and can therefore no longer properly fulfill their function as a “protective shield”. Therefore, the viruses are more likely to enter the body and cause summer flu.

When the temperatures are hot in summer, the immune system is often weakened by the sun’s rays, so that the virus can spread more easily in the body. Stress and an unbalanced diet can also weaken our immune system. In addition to a cold, fever, chills, headaches, sore throat, joint or muscle pain are common symptoms of summer flu. bronchitis, diarrhea and vomiting, earache or abdominal pain. Viruses can infect all mucous membranes in the body. Experts estimate that between June and August around 10 to 15 percent of the population in our country contract such an infection. The summer flu is usually not dangerous and is overcome after a few days.

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Treatment therapy for summer flu:

Physical rest, whereby this can also take place in a shady place in the garden Plenty of liquid intake from cool, but not ice-cold drinks Cool calf wraps contribute to rapid recovery from fever when avoiding alcohol and heavy food

If the symptoms persist for more than three days, a doctor should be consulted. Most of the time, however, a summer infection is harmless and should be over after a week. Since drugs are powerless against viruses, one’s own immune system still offers the best protection. It functions as a personal bodyguard, defending itself against a variety of pathogens. The clout of our “body police” can be effectively supported by plant-based immune modulators. Just ask your doctor or pharmacist. He will be able to help you.

General measures to avoid summer flu:

Do not drink ice-cold drinks Avoid drafts or very cool air conditioning systems, this also applies to “open-top driving” with the car Do not expose yourself to the summer sun for too long, as this weakens the body’s defenses Change out of wet, sweaty clothing Do not swim for too long in the cold water, because a hypothermic body becomes ill more easily Do not dress too lightly Eat a diet rich in vitamins

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