Home » A new wave of epidemics caused by mutant strains of Delta from the east coast to the west coast sweeps across the United States

A new wave of epidemics caused by mutant strains of Delta from the east coast to the west coast sweeps across the United States

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Original title: A new wave of epidemics caused by mutant strains of delta from the east coast to the west coast swept the United States Source: Sina Finance

The new wave of COVID-19 that began in the Ozarks and the southern hinterland states has now swept the United StatesThe number of cases and hospitalizations both reached their highest levels since February. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believes that 38 states have high transmission rates, which means that these states report at least 100 cases per 100,000 residents, or a positive rate of at least 10%. The transmission rate of the other 12 states and Washington, DC, the capital of the United States, is considered to be at a fairly high level, the second most severe.

The latest wave of COVID-19 in the United States started in some states with low vaccination rates. In Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi, intensive care units are now overcrowded.

However, the more transmissible Delta mutant strain has penetrated into states with higher vaccination rates and strong anti-epidemic measures. According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the past week, the seven-day average number of new cases in 23 states and Washington, DC has increased by at least 50%, including states with high vaccination rates such as Vermont, Washington and Hawaii.


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