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Good prospects for tourism development

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Good prospects for tourism development

This winter, the airports of Bariloche and San Martín will be reinforced with air connectivity with San Pablo, allowing the presence of a greater number of tourists.

There is no doubt that tourism is a global source of economic growth and development, which, as revealed by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), generates 1.7 trillion dollars annually, equivalent to 4% of world GDP and 29% of service exports, favoring employment. This activity is responsible for one in ten world jobs, some three hundred million jobs, according to the UNWTO.

According to several world organizations, in a difficult economic environment like the current one, tourists tend more and more to adjust their budgets and travel to places close to their residence.

The UNWTO Secretary General, Zurab Pololikashvili, is optimistic and expects “a good year for the sector, even as we face various challenges, such as the economic situation and continued political uncertainty.”

Modern tourism is closely linked to development and encompasses a growing number of new destinations. It is considered that its economic volume equals or exceeds that of exports of oil, food products or automobiles. It produces economic and employment benefits in related sectors, from construction to agriculture or telecommunications.

UNWTO notes that developing countries in particular can benefit from sustainable tourism and acts to help make this a reality.

For Miguel Ángel González -president of the Center for Initiatives and Tourism of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and head of the chapter in Spain of the International Federation of Tourism Writers and Journalists- recalled that “at the end of 1950, we closed with the accounts of twenty-five million foreign tourists and the last year, before the pandemic, 2019, we had already reached 1.5 billion foreign tourists and to all of these we must add nearly two billion more tourists who vacation within their territories, the so-called national tourists.

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González stressed that “add them together they reach a whopping 3,500 million tourists a year, in a world population that already exceeds eight billion inhabitants.”

In Argentina, tourism development has been gradually growing, highlighting the coordination carried out by the official and private sectors linked to this activity. In the provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén, the Emprotur -from Bariloche- and the Envitur -from Viedma- have been carried out as the Neuquentur.

Recently, in San Martin de los Andes, fifty businessmen from the fourteen Patagonian associations, belonging to the Gastronomic Hotel Business Federation of the Argentine Republic (FEHGRA), analyzed the present of tourism and the role played by the public and private sectors.

The president of FEHGRA, Fernando Desbots, highlighted the importance of deepening the link and strengthening the relationship with business leaders from all over the country, to directly learn about issues and problems, valuing the public and private work carried out throughout the country, including Neuquentur’s accompaniment.

The head of this entity, Marisa Focarazzo, highlighted the joint work of that province to promote tourism and the confirmation of international flights, in two neuralgic tourist centers in southern Argentina: in San Carlos de Bariloche and in San Martín de los Andes.

air connectivity

This coming winter, the airports of both cities will be reinforced with air connectivity with São Paulo, enabling the presence of a greater number of tourists eager to take advantage of the important ski slopes of Cerro Catedral and Chapelco, as well as El Bolsón.

Bariloche will also see an increase in the aforementioned flights in winter, since since the previous season the aforementioned frequency was maintained with a weekly flight.

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In this sense, the secretary of tourism of Bariloche and president of Emprotur, Gastón Burlón, has expressed that these flights “They are very beneficial, because they allow us to develop cooperative actions with the main agencies in Brazil, promote the destination, promote it and sell in greater quantity”.

He has also said that “the objective is to continue increasing the number of visitors from Brazil, grow in passengers and thus recover the values ​​that were handled prior to the pandemic.”

For Agustín Roca, president of the San Martín de los Andes Hotel Association, air connectivity in that destination is also important.

And in this sense, he stressed that the flights of Aerolíneas Argentinas from this season will have the presence of another commercial airline, Jet Smart.

As we expressed, tourism is important in the world, and in our Patagonian region it acquires a great role, being remarkable the gradual advances that are being observed with actions that contribute to its development.

* Graduate and expert in Tourism.

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