Home » Thyroid nodules, when to worry? Everything you need to know

Thyroid nodules, when to worry? Everything you need to know

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Thyroid nodules, when to worry?  Everything you need to know

There are many people who have thyroid nodules, but when is it necessary to worry? Everything you’ve always wondered.

Thyroid nodules aren’t always a problem and don’t always need to be alarmed. Surely we must pay attention to it, that is clear. Only in some cases, however, these can represent a danger.

The control visitstherefore they are essential. And they are because only in this way can you have the situation under control and a clear picture of the pathology and growth of the nodules, if any.

Thyroid nodules, when they are dangerous

Thyroid nodules can be visible and clear to the touch or perceptible only through ultrasound. The estimates are clear: at least 50% of the population has thyroid nodules, of which only 5% of cases are linked to cancer.

Thyroid checks, what to do in case of nodules (tantasalute.it)

When they are detected, the first thing to do is proceed with the hormonal dosages therefore T3, T4, TSH to understand how the gland works. In case of anomalies, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can occur, sometimes the cause of the appearance of the nodules.

Another examination that is required, where the nodule has specific morphological characteristics and therefore represents a danger, is the aspirated needle. In this way a sample is taken which is examined with cytological analysis to determine whether it is an element at risk or not. The outcome of the analyzes can result in a benign or malignant nodule. In the first case is kept under control over time. In the second case, however, it must be removed.

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Also qWhen a nodule is benign but larger than 4 cm, they are removed because they could cause problems for the surrounding structures. If the thyroid nodule is associated with hyperthyroidism, a specific pharmacological therapy can be considered. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The neck is incised, the lump removed, and sometimes the thyroid gland is removed. The techniques today are of type minimally invasive therefore there are no particular signs from an aesthetic point of view.

In case of thyroid problems, the first doctor to consult is the endocrinologist which will determine the useful approach and the best process. Then also the analyzes to be done, if necessary. Only when the nodule proves to be malignant is it also involved the oncologist. In essence, thyroid nodules are often completely benign and have no implications from the point of view of the person’s health.

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