Home » The Human Development Foundation launches the resumption of its research and training activities

The Human Development Foundation launches the resumption of its research and training activities

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The Human Development Foundation launches the resumption of its research and training activities


On Thursday in Sana’a, the Human Development Foundation launched the resumption of its research, training and psychological activities, counseling and treatment services, under the slogan: (Towards Comprehensive Human Development).

During the inauguration, which was attended by a number of academic leaders at Sana’a University, a number of Yemeni universities and scientific studies centers, and the great Yemeni artist Ayoub Tarish Absi.

During the inauguration ceremony, the President of the Human Development Foundation, Dr. Abdul-Hafiz Al-Khamri, stressed the importance of these activities, training, therapeutic and research programs, and capacity-building in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, and parapsychology that the Foundation is concerned with.

He pointed out that the Human Development Foundation is considered the first Yemeni civil psychological institution working on human development (individual-family-society) through a number of programs and activities aimed at stimulating capabilities, discovering talents, supporting innovations and people with scientific capabilities in all governorates of the Republic, in addition to being the only institution At the level of the Arabian Peninsula, which is concerned with parapsychology sciences from a scientific point of view, and the application of studies and scientific methods to serve human development, as well as studies in various human sciences, in a way that contributes to human development intellectually, scientifically, and culturally to serve society and address the psychological and health effects left by wars.

During the event, the Executive Director of the Foundation, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hamiri, reviewed a number of activities, training programs, support and psychological treatment programs implemented by the Foundation, which contribute to building the individual, family and society, and developing the capabilities and competence of the human cadre in the fields of psychological and parapsychological sciences.

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Dr. Al-Humairi pointed out the importance of these activities and programs that contribute to mitigating the damages of war, pointing out that the Foundation is interested in research and development of extrasensory abilities and parapsychology and achieving it in order to become more effective and contribute to community service.

He stressed the importance of human development and related issues, given that the human being is the basis of any development process, and the non-profit organization’s endeavor to provide effective methods to deal with the psychological challenges that people in our country suffer from.

Speeches were also delivered by Hashim Al Danai on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation and Engineer Muhammad Ali Nasser, which indicated in their entirety the importance of the Foundation’s role in human development and the development of the capabilities of individuals and institutions of society, in a way that enhances their role in development, discovering talents and supporting scientific innovations in Yemen without exception
The event witnessed the presentation of an introductory film about the Foundation and its role in human development.

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