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“I bought a house in Paris for a French ex of mine. My nude photos? Galliani paid 36 million»- breaking latest news

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“I bought a house in Paris for a French ex of mine.  My nude photos?  Galliani paid 36 million»- breaking latest news

by Monica Scozzafava

Francesco Coco, ex of Milan, Inter and Barcelona talks about himself: «I loved Manuela Arcuri but it ended because we always had the paparazzi on us. I helped a lot of people and a friend screwed me over”

Francesco Coco was 30 years old when he showed up at a Manchester City tryout with a cigarette between his fingers.

But did that seem like a possible thing?

“It was an innocent stunt. I was having fun, that’s it. But then I worked and earned without hurting anyone. And I didn’t give a damn about the rumors about me. At one point I stopped to regain my life: not being able to go out, not being able to go eat pizza without having the paparazzi behind me, she began to weigh me down. We footballers we were like rock stars».

Forty-five years old, since 15 Coco has given up on football, giving a premature end to a world that has lived at high levels (Milan, Inter and Barcelona, ​​the most important venues where he has played) but which has also given him the label of gossip star. «It was a different kind of football, without social networks. You didn’t end up on the covers of the newspapers at all. They have attributed to me girlfriends with whom I may never have even had a cup of coffee». Francis Coco leave football with the idea of ​​breathing, taking time. At thirty, life can start again.

Tell the truth, how many girlfriends have you had?

“Few. I had many friends though. Samantha de Grenet one of the dearest, for the world we were together ».

Manuela Arcuri, true love?

“Manuela was my fiancée. We haven’t been together that long, a year and a half, but for all the times we’ve been photographed it has seemed like an eternity. We were young and we couldn’t live our love freely. This is also the end of it. I loved her very much and I am happy that she is married and she is also a mother ».

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She, on the other hand, is convinced single.

“It’s not my fault that the right woman hasn’t arrived so far. I would like a family, maybe even a child, and that doesn’t necessarily happen, but I’m so serene that I don’t force my hand. Wish the right mom would come! It was going to happen once.”

When and with whom?

«I was engaged for five years with Elodie, a French dancer and model. I bought a house in Paris overnight for her: I wanted to be close to her. Then it ended due to character differences. My trouble is having had a too tall family model who remains my reference».

Footballers like rock stars, what do you mean?

“Football was rock. Less managed, less thought out. Today everything is studied, everything is mediated by social media, we were a band that played live, we lived hand to mouth, capable of going on stage and improvising a song. We were like savages and in the management of our private sector the error was around the corner».

Like when his naked boat photos ended up in the hands of Fabrizio Corona.

«I’ve never seen those photos of me naked on a boat, I don’t know how much Galliani paid for them, so as not to let them appear in the newspapers. However, I know that he took 36 million off my salary and I told him: “For me they can go public”. I’ve never denied anything, let alone a goliardic day with friends. What was wrong with that?”

Galliani discovered other stunts of his.

“He got very angry when I was in the military. I asked for leave for a few hours and returned to the barracks two days later. They warned him and he freaked out. He threatened to send me home, but Milan was home for me. I tried to convince him, he was like a dad to me. I promised him I wouldn’t do it again, he kept his distance for a while then he forgave me. Galliani remains the best of all, a competent and passionate manager. Monza explains exactly what I’m saying. I grew up in Milan, where they made me study and become a successful footballer. There I became a man.”

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What relationship did he have with Berlusconi?

“When I saw it for the first time I had the sensation of living in a film. It was 1993, having him in front of me, I thought: how is it possible that such a prominent, so important character is talking to me? Berlusconi was the unattainable. Instead, a good relationship was established. His death was a great pain. I did not expect. Even he annoyed me every now and then.


“He was obsessed with hair. I liked wearing them long, and it was also a bit of a fashion at the time. I felt so cool. And he: Coco, he has to cut them off. I said yes but then I didn’t. One day he showed up in the locker room with a pair of scissors. He cut my bangs. And he said: “With that mass of hair in front of her eyes she can’t see the ball” ».

Was Coco a playboy?

«I don’t know, mine was a normal life, that of a boy my age. Of course, I was a public figure and everything was magnified. Basically it never mattered to me, I knew it was part of the game, I was on a carousel. Did I date girls? Yes, but if I wasn’t married or engaged who was I doing wrong? To none, so I never set myself too many limits».

Did he earn that much?

“Yes enough. But I was also very generous.”


“I’m not saying it, but we are around tens of millions.”

What did he do with the money he earned?

«Many real estate investments, the first houses I bought were obviously for my family. I never backed down if someone was in trouble. And I was also screwed over ».

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Tell us.

«A friend of mine pretended to have his mother sick with cancer, he urgently needed a certain amount to have her operated on. I gave it to him, only to discover a month later that she was driving around in a thousand and one night car that he had paid for with my money. He disgusted me. Even today I spend myself for the less fortunate, I am marrying charity projects ».

The last one?

«I returned from Africa a few days ago with the founding of Barcelona. Organize matches between former glories and the proceeds go to charity. I’m pleased to do it both for the purpose but also because they are real matches, with the withdrawals. Seeing old comrades and reliving the atmosphere of the past makes me feel good. Ronaldinho, Kluivert and the others: we’re always there.

Locker room mates 20 years later, what do you think?

“That we’ve aged, but we’re still cool.”

June 23, 2023 (change June 23, 2023 | 08:32)

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