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Benzodiazepine FAQ: Questions and answers about benzodiazepines News Berlin – News Berlin Sport Latest news on the Internet

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Benzodiazepines are commonly prescribed anti-anxiety medications. These drugs are used as short-term medications. They are most commonly prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, particularly panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). They may also be prescribed to treat insomnia, muscle relaxation, restless leg syndrome and seizure disorders.

* How do they work?

Benzodiazepines are fast-acting and can help calm anxiety, usually within 30 minutes of ingestion. For this reason, they are often prescribed to people suffering from anxiety or panic attacks. Because these drugs work quickly and for a short period of time (usually between 4 and 12 hours), they can be taken as needed rather than every day like antidepressants.

Benzodiaxpines are not a cure for anxiety. They can help relieve the symptoms of anxiety, but they don’t help treat the underlying cause. Therapy is often an important part of treating anxiety because it can help sufferers address the underlying causes of their fears. These drugs are central nervous system depressants. They act on chemicals in the brain to slow down or calm down the messages carried by neurotransmitters. Chemicals produced in the brain like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine are reduced, making you feel less anxious.

* Are benzodiazepines safe?

This type of medication is often prescribed to treat anxiety as it is very effective in managing and reducing anxiety symptoms. But that doesn’t mean that benzodiazepines don’t have side effects or dangers. They are highly addictive and it is extremely dangerous to mix these drugs with alcohol, prescription pain relievers, or sleeping pills.

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However, many people take these medications daily to help control their anxiety. When used as directed and under the supervision of a trusted healthcare practitioner, you should be able to use these medications safely.

* What are the most common side effects of benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines can cause a number of side effects. Some of these side effects can interfere with everyday activities and people should exercise caution when driving or using machines, especially until they know how the drug affects them.

Some of the most common side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, memory loss, blurred vision, slurred speech, slow reflexes and impaired thinking.

In addition, people who take benzodiazepines for a long time have a higher risk of developing symptoms of depression. Because these drugs dull emotions, some people may experience emotional numbness or an inability to feel pleasure or pain while taking these drugs.

These types of drugs are slow to break down. This can lead to a build up of drugs in the body when taken for long periods of time. Overdose can lead to symptoms of lethargy or appearing intoxicated.

* Can one become dependent on benzodiazepines?

Anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines are intended for short-term use. However, some people with anxiety take these drugs for long periods of time. Unfortunately, this can lead to physical dependence or drug tolerance.

Drug tolerance is when the patient needs more and more of the drug to get the same therapeutic effect. The relevant literature indicates that these drugs lose their effectiveness if they are taken regularly for more than four to six months.

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Many people become physically dependent on these drugs after just a few months of taking them. Some become addicted after just a few weeks. If you are addicted to the medication, your body will go into withdrawal if you suddenly stop taking it. Stopping these medications should only be done under the supervision of a doctor, and you may need to gradually reduce the amount of medication you take to reduce or eliminate withdrawal symptoms.

Psychological dependence can also occur after prolonged use of these drugs. Some people believe that they need medication to cope with stressful situations and are afraid to cope without medication. If you think you need medication to get through a difficult time, you may be psychologically dependent.

* What are the symptoms of addiction?

Some of the symptoms that indicate you may be addicted to benzodiazepines are:

1. You need the medication to cope with stressful situations
2. You feel physically unwell if you don’t take the medication or if you reduce your intake.
3. You need more medication than before to relieve anxiety symptoms.
4. You take an extra pill during very stressful times.
5. You have started taking more pills than prescribed by your doctor.
6. You have tried to reduce the amount of medication but cannot because of physical or emotional symptoms.
7. You worry about running out of medication, or you always have medication with you in case you need it.

If you feel that you are physically or psychologically dependent on these drugs, do not try to stop them on your own. Talk to your doctor. He or she will help you establish a schedule for gradually tapering off your medication and can talk to you about what to expect when you come off the medication. Your doctor may also discuss other options for treating your anxiety symptoms once you have stopped taking benzodiazepines.

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* Where to buy benzodiazepines?
If you want to buy benzodiazepines, you have to go to the pharmacy with a prescription from your doctor. Only doctors and pharmacists are allowed to dispense these medicines. Pharmacists are not allowed to sell these medicines without a prescription.

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