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Intestinal polyps in children: how to intervene immediately

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Intestinal polyps in children: how to intervene immediately

Intestinal polyps in children can be relatively dangerous and that is why action must be taken to avoid problems.

Usually these they are asymptomatic and this is a problem because basically we realize the pathology only when it ā€œexplodesā€. In other cases, however, it is important to grasp the signals of the children to understand what it is.

Surely you have to observe the feces, notice if the child has pain in the abdomen and also investigate if there are other cases in the family.

Intestinal polyps in children: why they are dangerous

Polyps in general have no symptoms but they are dangerous in both adults and children because they can lead to the development of a colon cancer. Looked closely they are filaments, from which the name derives. In addition to implementing the appropriate therapies, they must also be prevented by always paying close attention to nutrition from an early age. Among the major symptoms are: bleeding in the stool, abdominal cramps, recurring diarrhea.

Intestinal polyps in children, what are the dangers (tantasalute.it)

I polyp symptoms they can also lead to colonic prolapse, hypokalemia, or impaired blood potassium. Not to be underestimated: muscle weakness, cramps, arrhythmia. In case of intestinal polyposis, therefore when there are multiple polyps, there could be a related pathology for the child and therefore it is necessary to intervene differently. Among these the PAF is a rare genetic syndrome which usually affects children between the ages of 8 and 12. This if left untreated progresses towards the development of colon cancer.

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In general i intestinal polyps in the child they are detected by endoscopy and on genetic testing in case of mutations. If there are cases in the family it is important to screen and periodic checks to avoid the presence of formations in the child. Diagnosis is usually possible when the child is at least 5 years old, in addition to direct examinations it is also possible to do blood tests. Only in rare cases is it necessary to remove the colon in order to prevent cancer.

To be especially noted if the child does not grow adequately, if sudden injuries appear, if the child has problems with nails and hair fragility, if he suffers from constant headaches, if he has difficulty breathing and if he does not like to exercise or in any case activity and any other anomaly not attributable to other diseases.

Prevention from an early age is important, turning to specialists and above all always noticing if the child shows particular symptoms.

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