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How AI is changing the real estate market…

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How AI is changing the real estate market…

In the past few hours we wrote in an article how artificial intelligence is not a topic that can be tackled only with attitudes on the border between catastrophism, skepticism and ambiguity.

Since the various forms of AI are evidently increasingly destined to intertwine our lives, it is good to regulate them, know their negative aspects and make the most of the positive ones.

Among the areas in which artificial intelligence is establishing itself there is, for example, that of the real estate market. Which today, with an obscure term for most, is called real estate.

We will persist in using the old definition, and we will tell you how AI is changing the real estate market.

AI, houses and the real estate market

The experience of the home, from the search for a property to domestic life, is undergoing a paradigm shift.

Today artificial intelligence can guarantee not only an improved and innovative search experience, but also a competitive advantage for operators in the sector. And it is a change that goes beyond domotics and the smart home, including lighting and temperature regulation, remote control of devices, detection and reporting of faults.

Domotics and smart home

Here it is worth pausing for a… little review. And remember that home automation and smart home are not synonymous.

Home automation involves wiring the electrical system to automate various functions (for example appliances and air conditioning). It is therefore a technological infrastructure closely linked to the structure of the house.

The smart home, on the other hand, refers to the Internet of Things, and allows the connection to the network of a series of home devices, which can be managed remotely thanks to apps. The smart home is therefore independent of the physical structure of the house.

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AI and the real estate market today: from planning to interior design

But, we said, today AI is part of the real estate market beyond domotics and smart homes.

Architects and engineers, for example, use tools based on artificial intelligence for building design, exploiting the calculation capabilities of these technologies to develop various options starting from certain variables, such as the volume available.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, for example, aspects such as the size and dimensioning of the property can be defined. In this way it is also possible to help customers in identifying the most suitable type of property.

Marco Tilesi, CEO of CENTURY 21 Italia says: “It is now evident that solutions based on Artificial Intelligence represent the vanguard for the evolution of the sector since even before there is a house to be positioned on the market, i.e. already at the design and construction”.

Later, when the house is inhabited, AI-based tools can help with renovations or changes in decor. Tilesi explains: “In particular, thanks to augmented reality it is possible to see the results before carrying out any intervention. Whether it’s repainting a wall or redoing a floor”.

Faster times

The AI ​​in the real estate market also makes it possible to minimize time and costs.

And, thanks to automation, it improves the profiling systems: an advantage also for the customer, who doesn’t waste time with offers they are not interested in.

According to Marco Tilesi “new technologies allow real estate agencies to enhance their services by increasingly perfecting their knowledge of the market and responding more and more punctually and flexibly to specific needs. Today it is really possible to anticipate the needs of those looking for a home, efficiently and rationally, and all thanks to data”.

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La sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is the application of AI that allows you to analyze the emotional tone of a text (comments on social media, reviews…) qualifying it as positive, neutral or negative.

The data collected and interpreted in this way, which thanks to artificial intelligence reach enormous amounts, add new information to the picture available to operators in the sector, in particular with respect to purchasing behavior, which is combined, for example, with personal data or economic-financial variables and to data such as the number of transactions by type of property in a certain period of time.

Tilesi comments: “Data yes, but people always remain at the centre. And the search for a house is a moment with a strong emotional impact. We cannot ignore the emotional, as well as economic, investment that is made in a house, and Artificial Intelligence helps us to give it the right weight”.

The maintenance

Finally, the maintenance. AI helps not only to keep track of the state of the building and the necessary interventions, but also to predict those that will be necessary in the future, anticipating any problems and thus greatly reducing costs.

In fact, scheduled maintenance does not take into account the actual conditions of the building in real time. Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to reverse this perspective and favors proactive management of the property.

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