Home » Reactivate your immune system by eating: health starts from the table | Here because

Reactivate your immune system by eating: health starts from the table | Here because

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Reactivate your immune system by eating: health starts from the table |  Here because

How to strengthen the immune system with nutrition – iFood.it (photo AdobeStock)

All the nutrients that our immune system must not lack to keep us healthy and effectively fight diseases

Our immune system it keeps the body healthy and strong and protects it from infection and disease. To function properly it needs some nutrients that we must supply through the food we eat and therefore must never be lacking in our diet.

The ancients already knew about it close link between health and nutrition. The phrase of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, is famous, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food“.

Nowadays modern science has confirmed the principle of Hippocrates, indicating a balanced diet like the key to ensure the proper functioning of the immune system.

A diet rich in high-calorie foods, saturated fats and sugars causes the body to go into a state of chronic inflammation, as well as fat accumulation; both negatively affect the immune system. This is one reason why we need to avoid them and favor them instead healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.

The crucial role of vitamins

Proteins are necessary for immune cells, vitamins and minerals are essential for their proper functioning.

The vitamin C contributes to production of white blood cells, which fight infections. Let’s assume it by eating for example the citrus fruits who are rich. There vitamin D rule the immune response and we can find it in pesce (e.g. salmon, sardines, herring, prawns), dairy products e mushrooms. Also there Vitamin E which we find in dried fruit like walnuts and almonds, avocado, kiwi, whole grains it’s us semi like those of flax and chia, it is a very useful antioxidant for the immune system.

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food” – iFood.it (photo iStock.it)

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Antioxidants and probiotics

Antioxidants contribute to reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which can compromise the immune system; we find them in abundance in fruits and vegetables For example berries, kiwis, citrus fruits, carrots, peppers, broccoli and dark green leafy vegetables like spinach. Thanks to a systematic intake of antioxidants, we can curb the action of free radicals and help the immune system stay strong and reactive in the face of threats.

The beneficial bacteria that live in our gut also play a vital role in immune system health by reducing inflammation and helping to regulate the immune response. THE probiotics contained in yogurt and kefir help maintain a healthy intestinal floraand consequently also our immune system.

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