Home » Nannini Srl / Ministry of Health Nr

Nannini Srl / Ministry of Health Nr

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Notice of notification for public proclamations to all the public administrations in any case concerned – to be understood as all the structures of the NHS/SSR, other than the Regions, operating in the sector in question and which have acquired medical devices in the reference years and consequently transmitted the relative data to the Regions, data on the basis of which the amount of the payback in question was calculated – and, on the other hand, to all the counter-interested subjects – to be understood as such all the companies that have supplied the aforementioned public structures medical devices in the reference years, the publication of which is carried out in execution of the Tar Lazio Sec. III Quater n.2939/2023 of 06.08.2023 in relation to the appeal pending before the LAZIO TAR SECTION III QUATER RG 13803/2022 Nr of Nannini Srl against Min. Health, Min. Economy, Presidency of the Cons. of Ministers, Permanent Conference for relations between the State, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces, Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, and vis-à-vis the Tuscany Region, the Marche Region, the Piedmont Region, the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Estar Toscana, SCR Piemonte Spa , Asur Marche, South Tyrolean Health Authority.


Ordinance (PDF 147.4 Kb)

Appeal (PDF 343.4 Kb)

Instance (PDF 143.3 Kb)

Appeal additional reasons Tuscany (PDF 433.8 Kb)

Appeal additional reasons Marche (PDF 385.0 Kb)

Appeal for additional grounds Bolzano (PDF 383.2 Kb)

Appeal for additional reasons Piedmont (PDF 411.4 Kb)

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